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July 30

I watched her closely. I stared at her, seeing that she was getting uncomfortable. Not uncomfortable, but nervous. I knew her too well though. I knew her weak spots, I knew how to get her with my words, and I knew how to get her with my actions. When you're with someone for 5 years, you tend to learn a lot about them.

"Why you so tense baby?" I asked as I stood up. Her breathe looked like it got hitched in her throat. She looked like she was frozen as her eyes remained glued to me.

"Leave Chris, now." She said with some type of base in her voice. I smirked while walking up to her. It was like she wanted to move...but she couldn't. She stared as I got closer. Finally being face to face, I grasped her waist with my tattooed hands.

"Are you sure you want me to leave?" I asked, already knowing the answer. She could talk all she wants, but her actions aren't going to match up with her words. That is unless I'm unlucky this time.

"No." She whispered while looking into my eyes. I smirked and leaned in, giving her a soft delicate kiss. To my surprise, she wasted no time to kiss back. My lips began to make a trail down her jaw line onto her neck. I slowly sucked on the area that I knew would have her at the palm of my hands.

"C-Chris stop." She whispered through a moan. She leaned her head to the side a bit more, allowing me more access to her. I gently bit down and sucked on her spot, making sure to mark my territory. Her moans were soft and quiet, but they also sounded hesitant.

"You like that baby?" I asked her as I slipped my hand up her dress, staring into her beautiful eyes. She shook her head no and I could see the tears forming in her eyes. After what seemed like a minute of us staring at each other, she mustered up the strength to push me off of her.

"No! I'm not doing this with you Chris. Leave!" She yelled, but I knew that's not what she meant. She had tears still streaming down her face yet she wouldn't move a muscle. I knew she didn't want me to go.

"Ok." I shrugged and turned around, walking towards the door. As soon as my hand touched the knob, I felt a hand grab my arm. I smirked to myself before turning around.

"Just, one more time." She softly spoke, refusing to make eye contact with me. That's all I needed to hear before I took off my jacket.

I gave her a long, slow kiss. Enjoying the feeling of our lips in sync with each other. I began to walk her backwards towards the couch. I slowly slid my tongue into her mouth which she began to suck softly.

Laying her down on the couch gently, I refused to break the kiss. I pulled her dress up just before her waist and unbuckled my pants, looking down to see her staring at me with lust coating her eyes. As soon as I got my pants undone, I pushed her thong to the side and slowly slid in.

"Fuck." She quietly moaned while arching her back off of the couch. I leaned down and connected our lips while I slowly thrusted in and out of her.

"11:25" I mumbled to myself, reading the time. I looked to the right of me, seeing Brooklyn was still fast asleep. I expected that being that we didn't finish our rounds until four in the morning.

I slowly rose up and walked into her bathroom. I was surprised to see all my stuff here the same way from before we had broken up. From my shampoo down to my toothbrush, everything was still in order. I picked up my toothbrush and did everything that I needed to do in the bathroom before walking out.

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