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*Italics means flashback...this is for the next couple parts*


"Are you doing this for yourself, your kids, or her?" Chris fumbled with his fingers nervously. He cleared his throat, slowly looking up at the lady in front of him. 

"All of them- I mean them and myself." The lady nodded, writing something down. 

"Does she know that you're here?" He hesitated for a minute before shaking his head. She nodded once again, writing something else down. 

"So what was it that brought you to be in this position now? You two went from being engaged to strictly co-parenting. Explain for me please from your point of view." 

"I haven't been faithful to her. Then I'm here now because she kind of opened my eyes a couple weeks ago. It took me a while to build the courage to actually come here though being that I don't trust many people." 

The room was dim, the only light being the long one hanging from the middle of the ceiling. Angela sat behind her brown desk with a notepad on the surface. Chris sat in front of her on the other side of the desk, they were face to face but not too close. Chris was occasionally sweating or playing with his hands which Angela made sure to note.

"So you haven't been faithful to there a reason for that? Not to get too deep so quick but I heard you lost your virginity at a very young age." Chris pulled his bottom lip into his mouth. His eyes telling Angela all that she needed to know. 

"Yeah I did and since then I've had access to anyone I've wanted really and I think I took advantage of that a little bit. Then I also think the way we got together and what was going on in the beginning of our relationship kind of fueled this behavior." Angela leaned back with her arms crossed. 

"Explain to me the beginning of the relationship, from when you all met to whenever you think the beginning ends." Chris swallowed the lump in his throat. He wasn't proud of this part of their relationship and he knew she was highly embarrassed by it. 

"We met at one of my concerts..." 

"Brown, we got a couple."  Hoody poked his head in Chris's tour bus. Chris smirked, putting his shirt to the side of him and walking down the aisle of the bus. He jogged down the stairs, seeing about 5 girls. They weren't even paying attention which would make the process easier.

"Ayo, who the one with the pink hair?" Chris mumbled, lightly hitting Hoody. He looked over in the direction Chris was looking to see a girl with her friend posing to take a picture. 


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