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November 1st: 4 months 1 day


Brooklyn and Bri both walked into the hospital and made their way to the front desk

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Brooklyn and Bri both walked into the hospital and made their way to the front desk. The lady looked up at both women before popping her gum and leaning back.

"How can I help you?" Brooklyn and Bri looked at each other, not liking the attitude that whoever this lady was was giving. Brooklyn decided to try her best to ignore it and still gave the lady a warm smile.

"Brooklyn Smith, I have a check up for 10:00." Brooklyn thought it was pretty clear the reason for her being here. Why else would she be in the maternity ward of the clinic? The lady at the front desk nodded before handing Brooklyn the papers that she needed to fill out. Her and Bri walked over to the waiting section before both taking seats.

"I ain't like her attitude. Popping her gum all up in people faces and shit. I should've snatched that shit out her mouth." Bri grumbled causing Brooklyn to laugh and shake her head. She furrowed her eyebrows at all of the papers that were given to her. This was her first appointment besides the one where she found out she was pregnant.

"Did you have to fill out all this shit when you was pregnant?" Bri looked over at all the papers before shaking her head.

"No ma'am, this look like a lot and I could never." Brooklyn spent the next 10 minutes reading pointless papers and filling out the same stuff repeatedly.

"Brooklyn Smith." She silently thanked God once her name was called. Her and Bri got up and walked over to a dark skin lady who had a long frontal on. She had glasses and a double nose piercing.

"Hi I'm nurse Malcom and I'll be checking your vitals and stuff. So follow me and we'll take your weight along with your blood pressure." Brooklyn nodded and followed the doctor to check her vitals and Bri went into the room.

"Should I take off my jacket and shoes?" The nurse stood in thought for a second before telling Brooklyn yes. She rolled her eyes in her head, hating the fact that she had to take everything off to put it back on.

"Ooouuu you have a bump on you girl." Brooklyn giggled and looked down at her baby bump. It seems like it was growing double almost everyday. It definitely wasn't poking out like that four days ago when she was with Chris. If it was, she would be having to answer so many questions that she truly wasn't prepared for.

"Alright so you are exactly 170 pounds. That is a gain of 12.4 pounds since your last visit. You can just sit right here so I can check your pressure." Brooklyn's eyes widened. She knew that she was gaining weight because the belly was growing, but she didn't think she was gaining that much. It had only been a month and she was starting to get concerned.

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