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"Now who the fuck is this pussy nigga?!" I yelled out, my nostrils flaring and voice cracking mid sentence.

"Pussy nigga? Damn....yo girl wasn't saying that when she made that little wet spot on the couch." I looked whoever that nigga was up and down before rushing over to him. I felt Brooklyn pulling my arm back with a smirk on her face.

"Man get the fuck off me forreal and the hell you smirking for?!" She quickly wiped the smirk off her face, holding her hands crossed in front of her. She seemed so nonchalant about the situation while I stood here livid. I wanted to kill her and that nigga right now.

"What you so mad for? Last time I checked, you aren't my nigga." If I could I would've choked her the fuck out for saying that stupid shit. But I didn't need to catch a case over her doing me wrong.

"We was fucking like we were together, you were treating me like we were together." I looked to my right to see that nigga went somewhere else in the house. I should've beat his face in.

"I have needs Chris, that little sex didn't mean anything. Now if you could excuse me, I was doing something....well someone." She chuckled, attempting to walk back to her room before I roughly grabbed her wrist, turning her back around.

"You're not going no fucking where so sit the fuck down. You think you bout to play with me and my feelings then act like shit sweet?! Hell naw." She scrunched her face up, standing directly in front of me. She seemed unfazed even though I was towering over her. My jaw was clenched, my breathing was unsteady, face red, and I had a huge boost in adrenaline.

"You want me to sit down on the couch I got ate on? Chrissss I didn't clean the couches yet." She whined, sarcastically poking her bottom lip out. I grabbed her by her neck, slamming her on the nearest wall. I held down rough, eliminating some of her breathing but not all.

"I swear to God I'll off you right now Brooklyn, stop fucking playing with me." I grit close to her face.

"Mmmm, you know I love to be choked." She winked. Her voice coming out a bit raspy being that she could barely breathe. I pressed down harder, watching her eyes slowly roll back until I let go of her. She let out little coughs before raising her right hand to my left cheek. My head whipped to the right and I gripped my left side.

"Pussy nigga." She mumbled, her breathing harder than before. I crouched down, giving her an intense stare which she didn't fail to return.

"You really on some hoe shit." I chuckled darkly. She tilted her head, a weird and slightly creepy smile spreading on her face.

"You're hurt?" I wanted to wipe that smile straight off her face, wasn't shit funny.

"Nah, I'm happier than a motherfucker. Brooklyn I promise you I'll put your ass 6 feet under if you keep playing with me." She raised both eyebrows, doing what seemed like challenging me. I bit down on my bottom lip, trying to calm my breathing at least a little bit.

"You've been sending death threats flying all night, you know you ain't gon do shit so cut the crap. Also, it amazes me how mad you are that I had sex with another man without even being in a relationship with you. Meanwhile your dick has gone into a handful of bitches while we were together." Her voice got higher like she was about to cry, but she somehow blinked all of those tears back. She stood, wiping her hand down her face and going to the kitchen.

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