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*I deleted XVII*

September 28th: 1 month 3 weeks


"Ugh, I feel like I'm not dressed up enough

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"Ugh, I feel like I'm not dressed up enough." Brooklyn complained as she fluffed up her hair. She looked down at the two piece she was wearing and huffed out in defeat.

"You look cute girl. Just hurry up and get outside, your man is waiting for you." Nylah did a weird little dance which caused Brooklyn to blush. She grabbed her phone and her purse before jogging downstairs. She opened the door to see Kyle leaning on his black car with his legs crossed. She smiled before slowly walking towards him.

"I'm here for Ms.Brooklyn." She giggled before playfully pushing his shoulder, earning a deep chuckle to escape his lips.

"You're so cute, I swear." Brooklyn said while shaking her head. She thanked him once he opened her door, then she stepped inside the car. She would always open the door for Chris...but Kyle wasn't Chris so she sat and watched him jog around to his side. It wasn't anything personal, it was just that she wasn't used to doing that type of gesture for any other man.

"Damn, can't even open the door for your man." He chuckled, earning an awkward laugh from Brooklyn. She was thinking that he probably seen the videos of her opening the door for Chris all the time. There was a point where a video of them surfaced all over social media and they were being called all types of goals for that. That was when they were in the good and happy part of their relationship...though those moments refused to last long.

"Sorry." Brooklyn said before leaning over and kissing his cheek softly. This earned her a cheeky smile from Kyle who continued to focus on the road.

"This is my shit!" Brooklyn gasped as she turned up the music. 'Single again' by Big Sean began to blast through the speakers of the car. Kyle nodded his head to the foreign song while Brooklyn was having a party in her seat.

She sang the words as if her life depended on it. She danced around in the seat, throwing her arms everywhere to go with the movements. She carefully whipped her hair around, not caring that she was acting wild in the car. That song just did something to her spirit that she couldn't hold back on. To say she loved the song was too much of an understatement.

"Calm down Brook, that's not very lady like." Kyle "joked" while chuckling. Brooklyn raised her eyebrow before laughing it off. She assumed that he was joking around with her and it wasn't anything serious. I mean, he would have no right to tell her what was and wasn't lady like if he wasn't joking. Not to compare the two, but Brooklyn couldn't help but to think about all the times she would go crazy and have concerts in Chris's car. He would be right with her singing along to the music. So to have Kyle be so conservative had Brooklyn not too excited.

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