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January 11th: 6 months 1 week


Clenching her jaw, Brooklyn clutched her purse as she pulled open the door to Friday's

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Clenching her jaw, Brooklyn clutched her purse as she pulled open the door to Friday's. Getting past paparazzi wasn't as bad today, but that was only because there weren't many outside today to her luck. 

"Hello welcome to Friday's, do you have a reservation." Brooklyn cleared her throat and looked at the tall brunette who stood with a bright smile on her face.

"Uh yes, I'm here to meet Nylah." The lady looked through her computer for a minute before motioning Brooklyn to follow her. Brooklyn nodded and followed the lady, her heart beating slightly because she didn't do too well with confrontation. But today she had to because it had been weighing on her mind for the past week. 

"Here you are." Brooklyn and the lady stopped in front of the table that Nylah sat at. Brooklyn silently thanked her, sliding into the other side of the booth across from Nylah. Without saying anything, Brooklyn took off her dark shades and placed them in her small purse. 

"So, how have you been?" Brooklyn looked up at Nylah, her face hard as stone and her eyes holding a slight glare. Nylah struggled to keep the daring eye contact, but she succeeded in doing so. 

"I've been fine, you?" Brooklyn wasn't there to engage in small talk. She simply wanted answers to a couple questions she had then she was planning to leave. 

"I've been living, missing my best friend." Nylah made a pout face causing Brooklyn to roll her eyes hard. She ignored Nylah's pity statement and looked back down at the menu. She took a deep sigh, seeing that she couldn't even eat most of the things on the  menu due to her having to hold back on lots because of the pregnancy.

"Hi my name is Crystal and I will be your server today. Are you both ready to order?" Both women nodded and Brooklyn motioned for Nylah to go first. 

"I'll take a coke and a shrimp Alfredo." Crystal nodded and wrote the order into her notepad before turning to Brooklyn. 

"Lemme get a water and the steak with seasoned fries." Crystal nodded again before closing her notepad and taking up the menus. Brooklyn clutched her stomach, feeling the twins moving around. She already knew they were going to be greedy like their father. Any time Brooklyn said anything about food, they would have a party in her stomach. 

"So what did you want to talk about?" Brooklyn was about to get disrespectful, but she thought it would be best to bite her tongue and come correct...for now at least. Brooklyn ran her hand through her long frontal before clearing her throat.

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