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August 29th: 4 weeks 2 days

"Rise and shine sugar plum!" Nylah and Brielle yelled as they entered Brooklyns bedroom. Both of them going to opposite sides of the room, pushing back the curtains to allow rays of sun to shine through.

Brooklyn slowly fluttered her eyes open, but squeezed them shut as soon as the light seeped through. Confusion fell onto her face as she slowly turned her head towards her pillow.

"Girl if you don't get the fuck up! You getting out this house today, we got a nice eventful day planned my good sis!" Nylah yelled out as Brielle pulled the covers from on top of her sister. Annoying was both of their middle names and they were going to annoy Brooklyn to the max until she found her way up and out of the bed.

"Stop." Brooklyn groaned, but it came out in an inaudible mumble. She brought her legs up into a cradle position due to the air hitting her body.

"Brooklyn Makayla Smith, get your ass up now!" Brielle yelled. Brooklyn threw a fit, punching and kicking the air as if she was a five year old child. Nylah and Brielle looked at her, both with blank expressions taking over their faces.

"What do y'all want man?" Brooklyn groaned as she finally sat up straight. She stared at the wall for a second before slowly pulling her body off of her soft bed.

"Ma'am your event is tomorrow and you shouldn't be looking and feeling a damn mess. So Bri and I are taking you out and we're gonna have a spa shopping day." Nylah squealed as Bri clapped her hands in excitement. The three girls used to always do girls day's monthly, but that was before they all got caught up in other things, mainly life.

"I didn't even agree to this." Brooklyn complained as she made her way to the bathroom. Even though she didn't agree, that doesn't mean she wasn't still gonna go. Especially if she was being treated to free spa and mall day.

"a b c d e f g..." Brooklyn sang the abcs in her head while brushing. Her childhood dentist always told her to sing it twice and that's how you know you're done brushing. Childish, possibly. Cavities, non existent.

"And don't take all day either Makayla!" Brooklyn rolled her eyes at her older sister screaming her middle name and demanding her to hurry up. Just for that, Brooklyn was going to stay in the shower for 10 extra minutes.

"Dumbass, she gon take longer now." Brook giggled as she heard Nylah scolding Brielle. Though only Bri and Brook were sisters, they were all so close that no one would be able to tell Nylah was only a close friend. But honestly, blood couldn't make the three any more close than they already were.


Brooklyn Brooklyn

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