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February 7th: 7 months 1 week


Brooklyn and Bernice were driving around, looking for Chris just like everyone else. Brooklyn pulled over, placing the car in park before placing her head on the steering wheel. Bernice looked over at her friend, softly rubbing her back. Brooklyn was feeling defeated and she was losing a lot of hope as the hours went by. It was already going on 12 in the morning and she was not only tired but also annoyed.

Bernice was tired also, but she was trying to be optimistic and hopeful for her friend. So being the selfless person she is, she placed her own feelings aside to wholeheartedly be there for Brook. If Brooklyn wasn't pregnant, things would be much different.

"What if something happened to him?" Brooklyn questioned as she raised her head, revealing her tear stained face. Bernice sighed, placing her hands in her lap. She was also starting to think the worst of the situation. She was just as confused as anyone else with this new found mystery. She hadn't seen anything like this in her life. Chris completely disappeared off of the face of the Earth and everyone knew that wasn't like him.

"Don't think like that, he's going to be-." Suddenly a phone started ringing. Brooklyn popped her head up and began to frantically search for her phone as Bernice did the same with hers.

"Shit, where is it." Brooklyn mumbled, trying to fish through her purse as fast as she can. Feeling something hard and cold, she pulled it out and accepted the call just in time.

"Hello, hello." She spoke as soon as it connected to the Bluetooth. Bernice leaned to the edge of her seat, seeing that it was the police station calling. She clasped her hands together and leaned her head down, doing a short prayer before anyone began speaking on the other end.

Brooklyn was holding her breathe, she knew that what they were calling to tell her could either be very negative or positive. She knew that this phone call wasn't something to tread lightly.

"We have him." Those three words had tears immediately coming back to Brooklyn's eyes. She cupped her nose, as she squeezed her eyes shut. She was crying tears of joy and tears of relief. Bernice also shed a couple tears at the news, feeling a sense of happiness right along with Brooklyn.

"Thank you, thank you so much! I'm on my way now." Brooklyn said before ending the call. She wasted no time in placing the car in drive again, speeding off into ongoing traffic. She was anxious to see him, not knowing what condition he was in or what would happen once they seen each other again.

"I'm so nervous Niecy." Brooklyn's palms started to feel sweaty. Bernice raised an eyebrow and looked over at Brooklyn who was focused on the road in front of her.

"The hell you nervous for?! All that you've been saying in the past weeks, I would expect you to be leaping out your damn seat." Brooklyn scrunched up her face and leaned forwards. She grabbed the bottom of her seat once she stopped at a red light. She pulled up, moving her seat up so that she could drive better.

Her heart began beating faster as they got closer to the station. She could see an ambulance along with some police cars outside. She slowly inhaled and exhaled, taking a left into the parking lot. She stared out the front window for a while, making sure that she was ready to see him.

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