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January 19th: 6 months 2 week


"I love you so much baby, I'm gonna miss you!" Brooklyn and Chris shared another kiss before he chucked up his deuces and walked up the steps of the plane. Brooklyn watched as he disappeared into the plane, she sat waiting for the plane to take off before she left. 

Chris was going to Miami for the Superbowl weekend performance he was supposed to be doing. It wasn't the Superbowl itself, but it was for one of those parties that take place around that time. Brooklyn was extremely hesitant on Chris leaving, especially because she was nearly seven months pregnant and really anything could happen. Not only that but this would be the first time since they got back together where they would be in two different states. This would really be a moment to test the trust in their relationship. Though Brooklyn did trust Chris, she couldn't help the little thoughts that were floating in the back of her mind.

Chris put his bag in the back of the plane along with all the other boys going with him. He crouched down to look out the window, seeing Brooklyn standing there staring back at him. He blew her a kiss and she decided to be corny and act like she caught it, placing it up against her own heart. Chris shook his head and chuckled before the flight attendant came out from the front.

"Hello my name is Angel and I will be you all's flight attendant for this trip. Though this is a private, we still have to take the necessary precautions for how we go about everything. As we are about to take off, everyone needs to be seated in their seats with their seat belts fastened securely. The emergency exits are in the front, back, and mid windows. Under your seat, you will find life vests that are to be used when necessary. Above your seat you will find oxygen masks if anything happens you pull them down and secure it safely over your nose and mouth. With all of that being said, please enjoy your flight. If you need anything, you can flag me down." Angel smiled and turned around, walking back to the front of the plane. 

"She bad as hell." Hoody said once she was out of ear reach. Chris looked back and smirked before looking back out the window to see Brooklyn still there. She played with her nail before looking back up, being met with his eyes. Brooklyn waved once the plane started to start up, Chris waving back at her. She blew one last kiss before getting in her car and backing away then driving off. 

"Alright listen up bitch ass niggas. Y'all not about to get me caught up this weekend and I mean that shit. Brooklyn barely trusts my ass and I don't have time to be fucking shit up and y'all know this. Imma try my hardest to have self control when it comes to taking in liquor but again, just watch my back please. If you see any bitches trying to take me home and I'm wasted, we fighting hoes out here. Not really but you know what I mean. If y'all gon bring bitches with y'all, those YOUR bitches. Don't have them near me or none of that because again, I don't have time for any clownery. We straight?" Sinko smacked his lips along with everyone. 

 "Man ain't nobody bout to get you caught up or nothing. We got you." Chris sighed and leaned back in his seat. He knew any little thing could be captured by anyone and flipped and turned into some crazy story. Then the fact Brooklyn would be home and could easily get trapped in her thoughts was another thing he was stressing about. 

"Aye, we turning up at the club once we touch down." Chris ran his hand over his head, he honestly just wanted to relax tonight. Yet he knew once everyone heard that Chris Brown was in town, they would want to get to every club he was at. 

Something that was new to everyone was that Chris wasn't really here for the turn up today. If it was up to him, he would only go to the show and take his ass right back home. He would much rather be up under Brooklyn talking to her stomach rather than clubbing. All that shit used to be his life and his way of fun, but he was a bit over that now. He still enjoyed a good party because who didn't, but that wasn't his main focus anymore. 

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