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January 24th: 6 months 3 weeks


"Come on, come on

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"Come on, come on." I mumbled to myself as the phone continued to ring in my ear. It rang and rang until I heard the dial tone again.

"Fuck." I mumbled, slamming the phone down on the table. I ran my hands through my hair, gripping the front of it out of frustration. Hot tears began to brim my eyelids and slowly roll down my cheeks. It had been 5 days since anyone heard from Chris. He missed his set and everything. The world was basically on a lookout party for him, everyone was confused, nervous, and stressed. Though nobody felt how I was feeling in the moment.

"Nothing again?" I turned to look at Bri who looked back at me sympathetically. I hesitantly shook my head before bringing my head into my hands. I've been trying to calm down and keep my cool for the sake of the babies, but there were times like these where I couldn't help but to break down.

"I don't know what to do Brielle." This was not like Chris at all. There were days where he's gone ghost before, but for him to miss his whole set without saying anything was not him. Chris never missed shows if he could help it. Then if he did miss the show, he always said something to the people.

"Listen, I have faith he's gonna turn up somewhere. It's time to load the jet now." The boys sent down a jet for Bri and I while Bernice and Makai were driving down to Miami. I felt that I would feel better if I wasn't on the other side of the world trying to figure out what was going on. It was risky for me to be flying in this stage of my pregnancy, but I didn't care right now. My main focus was trying to find Chris and to not stress for my children's sake.

I grabbed my purse and pulled my shades over my eyes. I sucked my lips into my mouth as I walked over to the carpet leading up to the jet. I had my hand shielding my face in a way so that the sun wouldn't be hitting it.

"Ms.Brown." A tall man dressed in a black suit spoke. He held his hand out that was covered in a white glove, waiting for me to take it to help me up the stairs. I accepted the gesture kindly and made my way up the steps. I walked straight to the softest seat I seen, sinking down into it and watching my sister do the same.

"Other than what's been going on now, how have you been in terms of the pregnancy and all of that?" I deeply sighed, and leaned back in my seat while taking my shades off. I buckled my set belt, feeling the plane start to move.

"Before Chris left, we were talking about the baby shower and the maternity shoot and all of that. So that was what was going to be my main focus moving forward but I don't even know what's gonna happen with that now. In terms of the pregnancy, everything's been going good. They're healthy and everything but they are tiny. It's not a huge concern but if they don't grow more then they'll possibly have to stay in the hospital for a little bit once they're born. It's nothing to stress or freak out about according to the doctors." Bri nodded and did a loud yawn.

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