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I'm a different type of tired so sorry for any errors, imma edit this tomorrow

November 14th: 4 months 2 weeks

Omniscient: The court date

Omniscient: The court date

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"You clean up nicely Mr.Brown." Bernice commented, seeing him in the front of the courtroom along with his team. Chris smiled and gave her a small hug before pulling away from her.

"I mean, what can I say?" He cockily snickered and turned around with his arms spread. Bernice smirked and shook her head before making her way up the steps of the courtroom. She giggled hearing Chris jogging to keep up with her. His team also followed along, except they all went into the courtroom.

"Fuck is you walking so fast for? Calm your ass down, shit." Chris mumbled. Bernice ignored him and continued walking her way. She stopped in front of a door and pulled out some keys which unlocked it. She walked in first, Chris following behind her. He closed the door behind them and locked it.

"Alright so here in this case I have all of the evidence that we will need. I am warning you now that they are going to use your past as an advantage. I was informed about your attacks and I just need you to breathe if you feel one coming onto you. You cannot break down in this courtroom Christopher, do you understand me." This was the most stern that Bernice had been since she began working with Chris. He took a deep breathe before slowly nodding. She nodded also before pulling out some papers.

"These are the messages which I got blown up so that they could see it. This is the video surveillance here, I have the zoomed in blown up pictures along with the video to show her walking out of the store and all of that. We have a recording of her live, we also have the edited video of what happened that day." Chris rubbed his hands together and walked over to Bernice to look over her shoulder.

"Damn B, who you got to edit this?" She side eyed Chris who cleared his throat. He knew it was rule number something not to question her or whatever.

"When we win this case, I want some free tickets for tour by the way. Nylah, Trey and them should be coming in a minute and-." A soft knock of the door broke the conversation that Chris and Bernice were having. Bernice strutted to the door and Chris couldn't help but to stare at her ass. I mean, it was huge so he couldn't help himself.

"What in the hell." He whispered to himself seeing everyone piling into the small room. There was Nylah, Trey, Bri, Bryan, and...Brooklyn. That was who really struck out to Chris, the way she looked so beautiful and stood out to Chris. He knew everyone else in the room was there though his focus wasn't on any of them.

"You stare a little longer, them eyes might start watering." Chris jumped and looked over at Bri. He gave her a small smile and pulled her into a tight hug. He did the same with everyone else before it got to Brooklyn. He stood up and towered over her, looking down at what she was wearing. With the dress she had on, you could clearly see her growing bump.

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