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*Excuse the spelling errors*

November 7th: 4 months 1 week


Chris inhaled the smoke, allowing the intoxicating feeling to take over his lungs. His eyes laid low due to the drugs in his system. He grasped the bottle of Hennessy, taking a quick swig and shaking his head at the feeling of the alcohol. He looked down at the random female that was going to work on him. He watched her head bob up and down his shaft before taking a pull from his blunt again which was almost done.

"Alright you're finished." He grumbled, pushing the girl off of him. She scoffed and gathered her things before walking out. Chris was happy that she left out without a fight. Most of the girls he brought home always did.

"The fuck you got going on?!" Chris diverted his eyes to Trey who was waving the smoke out of his face while walking into the room. He let out a little cough and looked at Chris as if he was crazy.

"You blowing my high man." This was a routine for Chris for the past 6 days. As soon as he left the hospital that night, he went to the club. He got drunk off life, brought home a couple women, and repeated that process daily.

He was doing it as a coping mechanism. A lot was going through his mind. From the new found information that he had two babies on the way then also the fact that he was getting blamed for his ex girlfriend being abused. It was messing with his head heavy, the fact that she knew his past and all of that yet had no problem blaming him for something that had to do with domestic violence.

Not only that, but Yasmine went to some blog and ran with a whole other story on what happened. She painted on some type of makeup to support her claims that he punched her and blacked her eye then busted her lip. She put a bruise on her arm for it to look like he grabbed her. She also enhanced her ring on her neck so it would look like more than what it really was. She posted some picture with a long caption that read:

'I have truly been contemplating on posting this, but I feel that this should be shared with the world. On October 27th, my life changed drastically. As most of you know, I worked with Chris Brown as his personal assistant. Throughout my time working for him, I had a descent experience. He did come onto me at times and he was at times very much passively aggressive. On the morning of October 27th, I invited him to have a conversation with me. Throughout the whole thing, he was very much aggressive and rude towards me. I mentioned something about his ex and he came charging at me. He began to choke me and out of instinct, I punched him to save my life. From there he began to beat me as if I was some animal who did him wrong. I am not putting this out for sympathy, I just want to share the type of man that this really is.'

Once Chris read that, he had no other words. The way the world responded to those allegations were just as he expected. His album sales dropped drastically, nearly as low as they dropped for graffiti. Chris felt like out of nowhere, his life flipped down to a low point that he thought he wouldn't have gotten to in a long while.

"We need to start working on this case. You just sitting here ain't doing shit but-."

"I DON'T CARE!" Chris screamed. He put his head in his hands and took a deep breathe. He felt tears form in his eyes, he hadn't cried knowingly in what felt like years.

"I don't care." He whispered again, to himself this time. Suddenly he just broke down crying. He fell to his knees and lowered his body to rest on his feet as he continued to cry. Trey dropped to his knees also and crawled over to his friend. He embraced him in a firm hug where Chris just continued to cry. Trey never in his life seen Chris in such a state. During the Rihanna situation, Trey and Chris were not as close.

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