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August 11th: 1 week, 5 days

"Alright so, the album is dropping in two months on October 31st. Title is 'Heartbreak on a full moon' and tour will start in June, ending in September." Chris nodded his head at the information whole staring at his assistant. She gave a warm smile before leaving out of his home studio, making her was to her office.

Having an assistant was something that Chris wasn't used to. But after having the breakup with Brooklyn, he knew that he needed to find one. Brooklyn was the person who always helped to keep Chris guided and on his shit. She was like a personal, free assistant while she was also running her own business.

For the first week that Brooklyn was gone, Chris was really struggling to get all of himself in order. That's why he hired an assistant. He had to make sure that she was on her shit and not some groupie from off Instagram or anything of that sort.

 He had to make sure that she was on her shit and not some groupie from off Instagram or anything of that sort

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During his search, he came across Yasmine, Yasmine Lopez. At first, Chris wasn't going to hire her because he found out that she was a big fan of his and also because she was only 20 years old. He didn't want someone like that because he felt that they would only work for him because of his name. Though with deeper research, he found out more about her.

She had a 4 year old daughter and a 2 year old son. Both by the same man who she's not with. Yasmine and her children's father were not an ideal couple. Well to say the least, they weren't at all a couple in ways that most would think. Yasmine was 15 years old and the man was 30 years old.

He told her all types of lies about how he would take care of her and everything of that sort. Yasmine believed everything and felt that he would be able to help her. Yasmine was not only young and naive, but her mother also was never home. Having to work 2 jobs and still struggle to put food on the table wasn't easy.

So after being filled with lies for about a year, Yasmine ended up pregnant. Her mother immediately kicking her out with no questions asked and her father disowning her. Yasmine thought it would be the best idea to move in with the man who impregnated her. After two years of living with him and being abused almost everyday, she ended up pregnant again. This time, he left her. Left her in the middle of the living room, bloody and battered while holding onto dear life.

6 months pregnant, it was a miracle that her very premature son made it out alive. It was a miracle that she made it out alive. From that day, she's been working her ass off to get her own bag and make a way for herself. So getting this job and hearing the pay, this was something that she knew she couldn't pass up.

"Aye, you hungry? I'm bout to head out and I could stop and get you something if you want." Yasmine looked up at owner of the voice projecting through her office room.

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