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"I'm just going to be honest with you, she might really be tired for good

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"I'm just going to be honest with you, she might really be tired for good. This is a whole human that you may have coming into this world by another woman. This is not to at all to discourage you or anything because I do think this therapy is good for you." Angela calmly spoke to Chris. This was their second session and they were back in the same setting. The dark room with the one light hanging from the ceiling.

"It's been 3 days since I got the paternity test and the results should be arriving at my house as we speak. I don't think I'm the father but really only lord knows." Angela wrote something down, glanced up at Chris, then looked back down to finish her thoughts.

"Well I hope it works out for you guys but we still need to get to the bottom of everything and bring it to the surface. Now last time we left off at you saying how she was ready for a relationship and you weren't."

"Yeah, we made it official I think about 4 months after we met each other. 3 months after she gave me her virginity. When she gave me...that, that's when the shit kind of started I guess. She wanted us to be more than just what we were at the time-."

"And that was?" Angela cut in. Chris scratched the back of his neck and looked up with a confused look on his face.

"I guess you could say fuck buddies. I don't know, we were having sex daily but I had other women still that she knew about. Then I guess she was tired of sharing and expressed to me that she wanted to advance from that. There was one time where we got in a big argument about that and we stopped talking for a good week. Then about 2 weeks after that is when we got together." Angela nodded and made sure to take her notes.

"Tell me about the argument." Chris nodded and folded his arms while leaning back.

"We were chilling in my crib for a couple hours till she brought it up..."

"Chris" Brooklyn mumbled as she traced circles on his bare chest. The TV played quietly as the two of them comfortably laid on Chris's long red couch in the living room. He had his right hand behind his head with his legs extended. Brooklyn laid on his left side with her body curled against him.

"Wassup." Chris said, barely audible because he was focused on the TV. Brooklyn didn't want to seem annoying but she was tired of him ignoring her or changing the subject when she brought this up.

"What are we doing?" Chris sighed, already over the conversation before it really even started. Brooklyn rolled her eyes at him, this was what happened all the time and she was over it.

"We chilling, I don't get why you keep trying to force something more when we good." Brooklyn sat up and looked at him like he was crazy, though he was barely paying her any mind.

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