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December 25th: 5 months 3 weeks (Christmas Day)


BrooklynBitch Babe told me to take his picture cause he thought he looked good the other day! Anyways, Merry Christmas Everyone💕!!

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BrooklynBitch Babe told me to take his picture cause he thought he looked good the other day! Anyways, Merry Christmas Everyone💕!!

"Merry Christmas my love." Brooklyn smiled once she seen Chris round the corner. A little smile peeled across his face once he seen her. Though they hadn't been talking, seeing her on Christmas over the stove making breakfast was a beautiful sight to see. Her stomach poking out. nearly touching the stove.

"Merry Christmas baby girl." He leaned down to give her a soft sweet kiss on her lips. She smiled through the kiss, surprised that he wasn't still pissed at her because of the bullshit she pulled the past couple of days.

"And don't think I just forgot about everything....but it's Christmas and we not gon talk about it right now." Brooklyn turned and looked into his serious eyes, they turned a bit dark before reverting back to their actual Brown color. Brooklyn inhaled sharply before turning back to the pancakes in the pan.

"What time we going by momma?" Brooklyn turned to look at Chis attempting to steal a piece of bacon off of the plate. She smacked his hand and tilted her head with a daring look. Chris smiled like a five year old in a testing way. He reached his hand out and Brooklyn smacked it again, this time with the spatula.

"Move." She mumbled, lightly pushing him out of the way and turning back to the pancakes. Chris walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist that was starting to expand wider.

"You know, next year we gonna have two little boys crawling around here." Brooklyn blushed at the thought and turned around in his arms. This had to be their favorite position to be in. Brooklyn always felt secure when they were like this and Chris felt a sense of security over Brooklyn to be able to tower over her with him wrapped in his arms.

"I'm about to be 6 months baby. We're nearly halfway there." Brooklyn smiled at the thought and Chris mirrored that. Before either of them could say anything else, the doorbell started to ring. They knew that it had to be none other than Trey and Nylah at the house.

"Ok, stop fucking talking to me." Chris twisted his lips and looked back at Brooklyn who awkwardly stood there also. As soon as Chris opened the door, Nylah and Trey were already arguing.

"Yes Good Morning, Merry Christmas to y'all too." Chris spoke to the empty space outside of the front door before closing and locking it. Everyone stopped and looked at him as if he was crazy. He looked back at them as if he done nothing questionable.

"Oh excuse me, I was just speaking to the outside world because the people who are in my house right now didn't deem it necessary to say anything." Chris gave a fake smile before walking back into the kitchen.

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