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Brooklyn pulled the door to the place open

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Brooklyn pulled the door to the place open. It wasn't a restaurant but they did have little refreshments and certain things all over. She knew exactly where to go as she passed by different couples and families sitting and eating. She took a deep breathe to mentally prepare herself to see him before pushing the door to the private back room open. He slowly looked up at her, her heart sinking but her poker face remaining.

He was sitting on one of the couches, the one in front  of him on the other side of the small center table being empty

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He was sitting on one of the couches, the one in front of him on the other side of the small center table being empty. Brooklyn clutched her purse and made her way over to him, sitting down and leaning forwards biting her nail.

"Hey." Chris said. Brooklyn moved her hand and cleared her throat.

"Hi." She wanted to keep it simple and sweet. An in and out type thing.

"How have you-."

"Get to the point, I already didn't want to come." Brooklyn spat, looking at him already annoyed. Chris nodded to himself and reached to the side of him to grab the folder that had the information in it.

"I wanted to open it here with you just so that you don't think I'm lying or capping about anything. Whatever the results are I want you to know that I do love you whether you want to believe me or not. In case it says something opposite than what we're hoping, I want to say sorry in advance." Brooklyn's palms began to get sweaty. She hesitantly took the folder from Chris and quickly pulled out the multiple pieces of paper.

She skimmed down the whole page, furrowing her eyebrows at all the unnecessary things added onto it. Once she got to the bottom, her heart began to race.

"The alleged father can be excluded as the biological father of the tested child. Based on the analysis, the probability of Christopher Brown being the father is .1%." Brooklyn read out loud. Chris raised his head to look up and he silently thanked God.

Brooklyn couldn't sit and act like she wasn't happy too because she was. It felt like a huge weight lifted off her shoulders in a span of minutes.

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