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July 30


"Brook!" I heard a loud voice call which belonged to Nylah. Groaning, I turned over in my bed and faced the other way, knowing that she was gonna find her way up into my room. I love Nylah like a sister, but sometimes she could be a bit...much.

"Brooklyn, I know you heard me calling you bitch." She said, walking into my room. When I fully turned over to face her, her eyes went wide almost instantly. I already knew that she was looking at my red puffy eyes. I blew out air before fully sitting up.

"I already know Ny, you don't have to say anything." I knew that whatever she was planning on saying wouldn't make me feel good at all. I knew I looked a damn mess.

"I know, but I just wanna make sure that you're okay." She sympathetically said. Well I did just catch my boyfriend cheating on me
about a week ago, so yeah I'm on top of the world Nylah. I rolled my eyes at her statement, pushing past her into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, I did a sarcastic chuckle.

"Fuck that nigga." I said to myself before turning on the sink water. I washed my face and brushed my teeth, looking in the mirror again. I did a weak smile to myself, satisfied at the progress that I already made. I wasn't even close to looking like myself, but I was trying.

Walking out of the bathroom, I saw Nylah sitting on my bed scrolling through her phone

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Walking out of the bathroom, I saw Nylah sitting on my bed scrolling through her phone. Scrunching up my face, I quickly shoo'd her off.

"Bitch what's wrong with you?!" She exclaimed once she fully got off of the bed. She looked at me like I had about 5 heads.

"Nylah why are you acting, you know I don't do outside clothes on my bed." I had the biggest pet peeve of outside clothes on the bed. It was truly disgusting and all of the germs were gross.

"You don't see me for a whole week and-." She cut herself off at something on her phone. Growing curious, I walked up to her and tried to see what she was looking at, but she quickly moved the phone. I raised an eyebrow at her sudden movements and tried again to see the phone.

"Nylah what the hell is wrong with you. What? What is it?" I asked her. She sighed and shook her head, refusing to show me whatever she was looking at. Growing agitated, I snatched the phone out of her hand and quickly moved when she tried to grab it. My eyes roamed over the post from theshaderoom, my heart beating faster from each word I read.

 My eyes roamed over the post from theshaderoom, my heart beating faster from each word I read

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