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February 14th: 7 months 2 weeks


The birds sang loudly, the wind danced calmly, bringing a slight breeze through the window. I tossed and turned back and forth, my wild curls decorating my face. I placed a hand on the bottom of my swollen stomach, attempting to move closer to Chris for better comfort.

"Babe." I mumbled to myself, patting the area where I last seen him. A confused look fell over my face though my eyes were still shut.

"Chris." I groaned, using all my strength to pop my eyes open. I sat up, staring at the empty area for a good minute. I brought my hand up, scratching the side of my head lazily. I slowly turned my head in attempts to find him, but was met with an unfamiliar lady. I sat looking at her for a minute before letting out a high pitched scream which made her jump.

"Oh I'm so sorry Ms.Brooklyn, did I frighten you?" I looked at the lady as if she had three heads. No shit bitch I thought in my head, but I didn't want to be rude.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" She threw up her hands in a motion that read she forgot something. She grabbed a paper off of the dresser, handing it to me. I looked down at it, seeing that it was folded in the form of a letter.

"Thanks." I softly said, making her nod and exit out of the room. Deeply sighing, I slowly unfolded the piece of paper. My eyes scanned over the long note that was left. I could easily identify that it was Chris's handwriting.

Good morning baby, Happy Valentines Day!! I was gon tell you bout Tina but then it would've ruined the whole note thing and I'm tryna be a cute creative nigga. Not on no soft shit so don't even try no bullshit today. Anyways, since you said we doing the shit you have planned tomorrow, I wanted to make today your day. So get up, there's some people downstairs who got a little breakfast buffet set up. Make sure you done with all your shit before 12:00 or you gon ruin the day. I'm so deadass Brook.

- Ya baby daddy

I playfully rolled my eyes and shook my head at the note. Little things like this were the ones that warmed my heart. He could've easily just texted me, but the idea of a letter was so cute to me. Being all romantic definitely did not come natural to him, but he's worked hard to get where we're at today.

Getting up, I gripped onto the little table next to the bed and did a mini stretch. I walked straight to the bathroom after smelling my own morning breathe from my yawn. I could never understand how people went to eat without brushing their teeth....then went and brushed after eating. That was way too much work and I could never put anything in my mouth without taking care of my morning breathe.

"Oh damn." I mumbled, looking in the mirror. I didn't know if the day would require me to actually look presentable, so I threw on my bonnet and called it a day. If anyone had anything to say, they would just get fired so I didn't really care.

"Here, let me help you." I looked over at the guy at the top of the stairs wearing white gloves. There was actually a trail of men in suits all down the stairs. They all wore white gloves and had their hands sticking out. I felt like I was getting Queen treatment and I was basking in it to be honest.

"Thank you." I tried my best to whisper that to each one of them, but it was a lot of stairs and a lot of niggas. The morning hasn't even fully started yet and Chris was already showing all the way out. I could really only imagine the rest of the things that would happen as the days go on.

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