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November 28th: 4 months 4 weeks (Thanksgiving Day)


"Brooklyn hurry the fuck up, I'm not gon tell you again!" Chris yelled upstairs again. Brooklyn huffed and punched the air, not even bothering to respond. It was 9:00 in the morning, there was no reason why they needed to get to his mother's house so early if dinner started at around 5:00. Usually they went a bit early on Thanksgiving so that Brooklyn could help cook, but her pregnant ass was not about to be slaving over a hot stove today. 

"Where are you." She mumbled, looking around for her boots that she left at Chris's house. She been between his and her house because she wasn't moving back in as of yet. She wouldn't move in until after the New Year if Chris kept up on his trust challenge.

Brooklyn slid on her shoes and grabbed her purse and her phone. She fluffed her hair and adjusted her dress that was tight around her stomach. She applied one last coat of lip gloss and put on her sweater. 

"Do you always have to whine Maurice?" Chris looked up and watched Brooklyn make her way down the stairs carefully

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"Do you always have to whine Maurice?" Chris looked up and watched Brooklyn make her way down the stairs carefully. His eyes diverted down to her stomach that was poking out through the dress. He ignored her and put his phone in his pocket, still seated on his chair. 

"Come on, you was just rushing me and now you wanna be staring like a creep

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"Come on, you was just rushing me and now you wanna be staring like a creep." Brooklyn was getting slightly annoyed, it was her pregnancy mood swings. Chris shook his head and stood out of his chair. They both walked towards the door but Chris abruptly stopped. 

"Go get ya little pregnancy snacks cause knowing you, you're gonna get hungry then start cursing me out when I don't stop." Brooklyn smiled at the fact that he knew her so well. Without protest, she nodded her head and made a b-line towards the kitchen. She grabbed 2 packs of little bites, some fruit snacks, a bag of chips, and some mini carrots for balance. 

Chris's kitchen was snack central before Brooklyn and him got back. But after she started coming around more frequent, she started to stack up on snacks too. Mainly because she ran through them like no tomorrow. It was like she was always hungry. 

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