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August 4: 5 days

"Oh these are sexy." I said while examining the sketches that my team provided. I ran my finger over each design and zoomed in on each specific detail.

 I ran my finger over each design and zoomed in on each specific detail

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I already had a successful fashion line and we were in the works of adding lingerie to our collection

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I already had a successful fashion line and we were in the works of adding lingerie to our collection. But a bitch wasn't aware that adding lingerie would be as hard as it is. We have went through so many designs before I finally began to settle on some which are the ones that I was provided today.

"So do we have a date as to when we want to release these?" One of my head designers asked. I looked to the ceiling to think while pinching the bridge of my nose.

"What's today, August 4th?" My team all looked around before nodding. I sighed and ran my hand down my face while pulling out my calendar. I uncapped my pen with my teeth before leaning down in my chair.

"So, it's gonna take around 6 months to get enough inventory to last if we start by next week. So, I say it would be perfect to release this on Valentine's Day week. We can anticipate it for a while before releasing and hopefully everything will work out." I spoke while writing everything down, making sure to highlight the most important dates.

"Ok, so we have some new editions to the summer line." I put up a finger so that I could gather my notes for my summer clothing line. I pointed to Asia, my head designer, so that she could continue.

"Ok, so our whole fall edition is coming out at the end of this month. All new clothes and fit for the season. Now, the problem is that this is conflicting with your information session event." I sighed and palmed my forehead for a second. Standing up, I walked towards Asia to look at the conflicting dates. I can't push back the release date of the clothing but I also can't push back my event.

"Ummm, they're just gonna have to happen on the same day. But that's not gonna work because- actually give me one minute." I excused myself from the meeting room and dug into my purse for my phone. I mumbled to myself while scrolling through before finding the name that I needed.

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