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Chris paced the waiting room, a bunch of thoughts were circling through his head. His heart was pumping fast and there was sweat on his forehead. Brooklyn had been in the back room for about 2 hours since they got there, though Chris didn't know what was going on.

"Are you the dad?" Chris looked at the doctor confused. He knew he was looking a bit rough at the moment, but he ain't think he looked old enough to be Brooklyn's pops.

"Nah, that's my girl. I look like I'm in my forties or some shit?!" Chris watched as the doctor threw his head back in a fit of laughter. Chris stood with a blank face, not seeing or hearing anything amusing.

"I meant for your new twin boys." Chris widened his eyes in shock.

"She had them?!" The doctor nodded and began walking down the hallway. Chris assumed he was supposed to be following so he walked with the doctor. They stopped in front of a room that had Brooklyn's name labeled on.

"Knock knock." The doctor pushed the door open and there Brooklyn was laying down. Chris's eyes diverted to the two little baby boys laying down in their little hospital crib things.

He also noticed how beautiful the hospital room look. He booked this specific room with Brooklyn months in advance, just in case something like this did end up happening where the babies came earlier than expected. It wasn't anywhere near cheap but it was extremely comfortable, big, and amazing for a baby delivery.

"She sleep?" Chris asked, peering over the babies to get a better look at their mom. He turned to the doctor with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes she's asleep right now. We had to knock her out because we had to do an emergency C-section. It was the easiest and fastest way to get them out so that both her and them would make it out alive. I have to run some stuff down to you about the babies, but I'm not sure if you want to wait for her to wake up." Chris glanced at them again, they were fast asleep.

"Yeah, you can let me know wassup. Can I hold them though?" Chris felt a sense of relief seeing that they were okay and that Brooklyn was okay. He noticed they were tiny, but he assumed the doctor would tell him everything he needs to know.

"Of course, I'm just going to need you to wash your hands very good." He nodded, walking to the sink in the room. He jerked his head to the side, hearing little noises coming from the babies.

"They good?" Chris wanted to know every detail, especially because Brooklyn wasn't awake to meet them yet.

Everything was happening so fast for the two. Neither were prepared for the babies to be here so early, Brooklyn had about 2 months to go in the pregnancy. They didn't have the nursery prepared, the crib wasn't built up, they had gifts and shit but not everything that they thought they would have being that they didn't even make it to the baby shower. Chris was going to call everyone but decided to wait a couple hours, at least until Brooklyn woke up.

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