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Brooklyn rubbed her eyes as she stood outside of this unknown house. For the millionth time, Brielle asked Brooklyn to come and have a talk. It was early and Brooklyn only came because she was told it was urgent. Since the whole Trey incident, Brooklyn and Brielle's relationship never got mended how it should've. In all honesty, Brooklyn could not care less.

It wasn't like her and Brielle were the closest of siblings anyways. If anything it was Brooklyn and Makai but now that he was in college and they couldn't see each other as much, Brooklyn kind of kept her distance from her sister.

"Brook." Brielle gave Brooklyn a faint, weak smile. It almost looked like it hurt her to do that simple gesture. Brooklyn raised an eyebrow, Brielle didn't look good at all. There were bags under her eyes and heavy makeup, her lip looked a little bruised and her hair wasn't done all that good.

"Hello." Brooklyn mumbled, stepping into the house fully. She looked around and her first instinct was to scrunch up her face. It wasn't on purpose, the surroundings in the house were just disturbing. It was dirty and not anywhere near suitable for living.

"You can excuse all of the mess, this is not my house by the way. Um, we can go outside because I only asked you to come for one reason." Brielle smiled. Brooklyn clutched her purse and turned towards her sister. She put on a tight lipped smile as she walked over by Brielle.

"After you." She mumbled, she honestly didn't even want to talk in fear of getting the germs from the room into her mouth. It was so disgusting, she was appalled that someone could live like this. She wasn't trying to judge anyone or act as if she was above anyone, but it was gross.

The two walked more into the house, passing piles of clothes, dishes, stains, and broken things such as glass. Brooklyn had no words and she didn't plan on saying anything about the situation. She still didn't know whose house this was and didn't want to ask being that she would probably be finding out for herself in a short amount of time.

She watched as Brielle opened a white screen door, leading the two to an average sized backyard. It was a normal one, nothing too special and nothing too dull. Brooklyn's eyes diverted straight to the two people sitting in chairs around a fire pit.

"The hell you invite me here for?" Like a switch, Brooklyn's mood changed. Brielle sighed, continuing to walk ahead of Brooklyn. Yet Brooklyn stayed put, her feet not moving and her eyes staying on the people staring back at her with sincerity.

"Brooklyn please." Brielle softly said, raising her eyebrows a little bit. Brooklyn's neck snapped over to her sister, she was fuming and really just wanted to go home. Her mind told her one thing but her feet began to move for themselves as she made her way over to the fire pit.

"Please sit." Maya said, giving her daughter a faint smile. Brooklyn glared at her and took the seat nearest to her which was next to her sister. The two of them sat across from their parents, Brooklyn's face being stone cold the whole time. She didn't say a word, clasping her hands together and waiting for someone to speak.

"You've gotten so big babygirl-." '

"Nigga I am 26 years old with 2 kids, no duh I got fucking big. Get to the point so I can get home to my children." Brooklyn spat, she understood these were still her parents but she couldn't find any respect to give them. They both failed her in so many ways, the grudge she had for both of them was something serious.

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