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October 15th: 2 months 2 week


My nerves were on a different level as I sat in the waiting room of the doctors office

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My nerves were on a different level as I sat in the waiting room of the doctors office. Nylah basically forced me to come after I threw up out of the window of her car on the highway yesterday.

"Brooklyn Smith." I took a deep sigh as I stood up to meet up with the nurse. She gave me a small smile before instructing me to follow her to the back.

"Hello Brooklyn, my name is Nurse Amy and I'm just going to check your vitals and ask you a few questions. After that, Doctor Tijera will be with you to check you out okay?" I nodded my head at everything she was saying before standing up so that she could check my weight and blood pressure.

"157.6 pounds." She mumbled causing me to nearly choke on the air.

"One hundred and what?!" I nearly yelled and she looked at me like I was crazy. She hesitated before pointing to the scale and it indeed showed that I was 157.6 pounds.

"Is there a problem?" She asked confused. I waved her off, not trying to distract my own thoughts. I did notice that I was gaining a bit of weight but I didn't think I gained a whole 15 pounds since my last doctors visit. I pressed down on my stomach, feeling that it was a bit more firm than usual. I looked down at my thighs also noticing that they looked a little more chunky. Having the mini flashback of struggling to get my pants on this morning.

"Ok Brooklyn, so what is your reasons for coming in today?" She asked once we made it back into the operating room. I hesitated for a minute, trying to word this in a way where I wouldn't pass out just from saying it. I fidgeted with my fingers and twisted my mouth to the side

"Well I- I think I may potentially be...pregnant." I gagged out before swinging my legs back and forth. Her eyes widened for a minute before quickly going back to their normal size. I nodded, feeling her reaction on a spiritual level. Cause lord knows that I've never been so nervous in my whole entire life.

"Wow ok, why do you think this?" The only reason why she had this reaction was because we've met before. She's been my nurse on a couple of occasions when I was with Chris. Never for anything involving a pregnancy but for normal check-ups. I know that she knows that Chris and I broke up almost 2 months ago also. Though it was a tad unprofessional for her to be in my personal business, I didn't mind her input nor her reaction.

"For the past weeks I've been experiencing symptoms which I noticed my sister went through when she was pregnant. I would randomly throw up or feel nauseous. Then I would feel dizzy at times and I'm eating weird stuff. I guess you could call them...cravings." I almost threw up from the word cravings rolling off of my tongue alone.

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