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February 22nd: 7 months 3 weeks


"So where is he now" Bernice asked Brooklyn who was leaned against the kitchen counter with her phone in between her ear and shoulder.

"I have no fucking idea, that's the issue." It was around 3:30 in the morning and angry was an understatement for how Brooklyn felt at the moment. She went to sleep with Chris right next to her and woke up in the middle of the night because one of the babies was right on her blatter. When her eyes popped open at 3:00 in the morning, she was expecting to see her fiance like usual, but to her surprise he was nowhere to be found. Her mood was already terrible for the rest of the day yesterday due to Brielle's bullshit, then she had to deal with a missing Chris.

She didn't freak out or get suspicious in the beginning because there were times he would be in the studio or painting really late at night. It was his way of clearing his head and relieving his stress. Or sometimes he just wasn't tired so he would kill time by recording.

"Did you call Trey or some shit? I don't know what to tell you." Brooklyn cringed at the mention of Trey's name. After the talk she had with Brielle yesterday, she was still disgusted that her sister was messing with him. In her opinion it was wrong and nobody could tell her any different.

"I didn't call anyone so they could tell me some type of lie to cover for their homeboy. See this that bullshit, literally a week and a day after you propose you gon do some fuck shit." Brooklyn held the phone in her right hand as she walked to the front window. She moved the curtain slightly and peeked out the window to see if he was pulling up. She sighed and crossed one hand over her stomach.

"Brooklyn, have you at least tried calling him?!" Brooklyn moved the phone from her ear and raised an eyebrow as she stared at the phone like it was crazy. She didn't like the attitude Bernice had, but she then remembered that she did wake her out her sleep at 3:30 in the morning.

"No I didn't call him. Look, I know Chris Niecy. If I were to call him then he would know that I'm awake and looking for him. That would also give him time to think of some type of lie if he is out there doing me bold or something." Brooklyn knew Chris like the back of her hand. He wasn't that quick of a thinker when it was time to lie. He did do well sometimes, but most of the time his demeanor always gave himself away.

"Well I don't want you stressing yourself out over something that may be nothing just-."

"Oh bitch lemme call you back, he just pulled up." Without giving Bernice time to respond, Brooklyn ended the call and went to sit on the kitchen counter. She had the light dim to where she could see but if Chris wasn't paying close attention, he wouldn't notice she was there. She swung her legs back and forth while picking at her nails as she waited.

She grabbed her glasses that were next to her and turned her phone on silent. She watched closely as the door unlocked and Chris pushed the door open quietly. She heard him softly sigh and couldn't help but to darkly chuckle to herself.

"Yeah I'm in the house." Brooklyn straightened her posture at the sound of him attempting to whisper. She assumed he was on the phone, hoping he wasn't bold enough to bring someone to their house.

"No, I think she's sleep so I'm good...okay cool, we'll talk tomorrow." Brooklyn played with the big ring on her left hand, twisting it to loosen around her finger. She didn't know if she would be taking it off tonight or not.

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