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@chrisbrownofficial: It's Mrs

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@chrisbrownofficial: It's Mrs.Brown

Chris eyed Brooklyn who was sitting on the edge of the water after posting his picture. The water and view were both beautiful, the whole scenery on the private Island that they were on was beautiful. Yes, a private Island. Chris wanted to make their honeymoon special and something that was intimate that the two would remember forever. The only people other than them who accompanied them on the island were the people there to cater to them. That meant cleaners, maids, chefs, etc.

"Baby look!" Brooklyn excitedly turned to look at Chris while pointing up at the sky. He squinted and followed her with his eyes, seeing she was pointing at the colorful birds flying. They formed a rainbow, the red ones in the front and the pink ones in the back. The other birds fell in line and they all made lines with their specific colors. Brooklyn pulled out her phone from the tray of food she had and took a picture.

Brooklyn and Chris looked down at the same time, locking eyes with each other. He blew a kiss at her making her shy. She turned around and placed her hands behind her, pushing her chest up towards the sky.

Nearly 10 years later and she still couldn't handle keeping strong eye contact with him. He always made her blush or feel weak which is something she didn't like showing. The longest she's went with giving him eye contact was when they ever fought.

"You still get shy around me?" Chris whispered in her ear while coming up to sit behind her. He moved the tray of stuff to the side, allowing it to float off wherever. Brooklyn watched as his tattoo covered arms made their way around her. She held them and leaned back into his chest.

"No." She mumbled, kicking her feet along the water below them. Chris pushed back to rest his body on the cement wall of the water, taking her with him. They were at peace and happy, that's all they really wanted.

"I hope you not planning on doing any organized activities and shit. I just want to relax and fuck Brooklyn." She broke his arms that were connected and turned around to face him. He pulled her to straddle him and she smiled once their wet bodies connected.

"Why'd you say it like you won't do it if I want to?" She tilted her head with her right eyebrow raised. Chris stared at her for a second before throwing his head back and groaning. His hands fell to the sides of him and he took a deep sigh.

"I'm not doing that bullshit Brooklyn." He sternly said, only making her roll her eyes. She raked through her hair with her hand and looked off to the side.

"Well for your information, I wasn't planning on doing any of that anyways. But you didn't have to shut it down like...that." Chris turned back to her with his mouth slightly gaped. He tapped her side to tell her to get up, but she remained planted on top of him.

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