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February 10th: 7 months, 1 week


"Everything is negative, you're free to go Mr

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"Everything is negative, you're free to go Mr.Brown." Brooklyn grabbed her jacket and walked out the door, Chris close behind her. The two felt it would be best to go get Chris tested being that valentines day was coming and they planned to make love until the sun came up.

"What floor we gotta go on?" Chris asked, looking down at his phone as they made their way to the elevator. Brooklyn also scheduled her 7 month appointment for the same day, since they would already be at the hospital.

"6." She replied, keeping it short. Chris glanced up at her before looking back down at his phone. Brooklyn rolled her eyes, something she's gotten so used to that she does it all the time now. She was in one of those pregnancy moods where she was mad at the world for no reason.

Chris learned that it was best for him to give her her space and not speak to her much. More for her sake than his being that he didn't want to snap on her. He knew that she couldn't help it to an extent and most of her moods were due to her hormones.

"Hold the elevator please!" A female voice called out. Chris quickly placed his arm out, making the doors move back. Brooklyn and Chris both looked forwards to see who was coming on.

In walked a tall brown skin girl. Her hair was long a curly, with blonde at the tips. She stood at about 5'8 and looked to weigh around 130 pounds. Her face had a little bit of makeup on it. Brooklyn and Chris assumed that she was a nurse because of the scrubs she was wearing.

"Thank you." She mumbled once she fully stepped on. Brooklyn eyed her while Chris tried his best to keep his eyes to himself. Nobody could deny that the nurse was gorgeous. As much as she wanted to, Brooklyn couldn't deny that either.

"Watch the eyes buddy." Brooklyn mumbled to Chris as the elevator came to a complete stop. He looked over at her with wide eyes, but she wasn't paying attention to him. They walked straight up to the receptionist so they could sign in.

"Brooklyn Smith." Brooklyn said to the lady at the front desk. The lady held up a finger, not even looking up for a second. Brooklyn scrunched up her face and brought her neck back. Chris stood and watched, not wanting to intervene if he didn't need to.

"Brooklyn Smith." Brooklyn repeated. This time, the lady looked up with an obvious annoyed expression coating her face.

"I said give me a second, wait." Brooklyn wasn't here for anyone's attitude. She was tired, moody, and wanted to go home. Her and Chris still had to meet with the baby shower people so that they can discuss decorations, cake, invitations, and everything else having to do with the shower.

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