To Love Is To Live: Part 2

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A/N: A continuation of the short story.

Kate sighed heavily. The three most important people in her life and they had gone into town without her. Perhaps they had thought she would have wanted the day at home to herself, but she actually had some errands she would like to run, and having to go alone was annoying her. Apparently they were going to some antiques shop so Michael could get Wilamena a birthday present - though Kate could have sworn Wilamena's birthday was months ago, in January, not April.

While mildly frustrated, she figured she could catch up with them at the store and then they could run the other errands together. So as she walked through town, she scoured shops, looking for the one labeled simply and rather uncreatively, "Antiques".

Not having much luck on her own, Kate decided to ask a middle aged woman who was getting ready to open up her restaurant for the lunch rush.

"Excuse me," Kate said politely, "I'm a bit lost, and I was wondering if you could help me."

"Of course," the woman replied, "where are you trying to get to?"

"The antiques store," Kate answered.

The woman's warm smile became false, "are- are you sure?"

"Yes. I promised to meet up with my family there. Why wouldn't I be sure?" Kate wondered, a bit confused by the woman's hostility towards the antiques shop.

"Well... and you didn't hear this from me, because I don't want people knowing I've been spreading gossip... that place has always been strange. It's been there for twenty years, but never seems to have many customers. Yet it somehow stays afloat, no matter what. Still, I didn't think much of it," the woman admitted, "at least, not until..."

"Not until what?"

The woman shifted, "Well, my neighbor's son, Damon Davis, he went there to purchase a nice art piece, a wedding gift for a cousin he's close to. He came into town, said hi to his mama and me, and then went to buy it. And after that, we didn't hear from him at all. Which isn't too weird, I mean, he doesn't call all the time. Only no one in his city can get a hold of him either, and I'm really worried the reason no one can find him is cause of that antique place. His friends are gonna report him missing, but I'm afraid the police will focus on his city and completely ignore the store."

Kate's eyes went wide. What a nightmare. She knew what it was like to have family disappear, and poor Damon's mother and friends must have been worried sick. And if the antiques place was really involved, then Kate's family could be in terrible danger too.

"How long has he been gone?" she questioned.

The woman replied, "a week and a day. So you see, I can still give you directions, but I'd be cautious if I were you."

"I will be, thank you. I have to make sure my siblings don't go in, so I'll take those directions," Kate said.

The woman told her where to go, and Kate thanked her. As she was leaving, the woman said, "good luck finding your siblings. I hope it isn't too late."

"I hope so too," Kate muttered under her breath as she started walking.

After that, she found the shop with ease, and took in its old but charming exterior. Once, she might have found it pleasant, but after hearing the woman's story, it caused her stomach to sink with dread. She looked around for any sign of Michael, Emma, or Rafe, but saw none. She knew there was no way she had beaten them there, so that meant they had to have gone inside. So she had to go inside too.

Steeling herself, Kate pushed the door open, wincing at the seemingly innocent tinkling sound of the bell. She took in the stillness of the shop, and didn't see another customer or browser in sight. She did see a bunch of scarves had been knocked over. Emma, perhaps? It seemed like the kind of innocent accident that Kate's little sister was prone to.

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