Oneshot: No Regrets

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Background: Takes place during The Fire Chronicle when Gabriel, Emma, and Michael are on the plane to Antarctica.

Content: Gabriel being a mentor and friend to Emma.

Michael had fallen asleep, his head leaning against the window. Emma wasn't sure how he did it. Their sister was missing, Dr. Pym was no longer there to guide them, they had to track down the chronicle, and monsters were hunting them. It sure didn't seem like the time for sleep.

"Emma, you should rest," a quiet voice said from the seat across from her.

Emma looked over, "you aren't resting."

"I have to be on guard," Gabriel replied.

"We're on a plane," Emma pointed out.

Gabriel huffed a small laugh at that very true remark. They were indeed on a plane, headed to Antartica of all places, to find the book of life. Someone less familiar with magic would find it all terribly shocking.

His smile quickly dimmed though, when he saw how utterly miserable Emma looked. An almost fatherly concern filled him as he asked, "what's wrong?"

Emma hugged her knees to her chest, "Dr. Pym could be hurt, I don't even know where Kate is, let alone if she's ok, Michael's supposed to lead us to the chronicle, which is a lot for one person to bear, and well, I'm scared, Gabriel. I've already lost so many people and I'm afraid I'm not gonna get them back. Or I'm just gonna lose everyone else."

"There's nothing wrong with being scared," Gabriel said, "even the bravest warriors get scared. Fear is a part of being alive, and always has been. But I believe you will find everyone you have lost."


"Because bravery is keeping strength in the face of fear and not letting it stop you," Gabriel explained, "and you have more bravery than anyone."

Emma smiled a bit at that, "you really think Kate and Dr. Pym and my parents will all be ok?"

Gabriel nodded, "I do. Dr. Pym has been on this Earth for over a thousand years. His knowledge is considerable. Not even Rourke can outmatch him. As for your parents, well, they're your parents, so they must be brave. After all, you have to get it from somewhere. And even if they can't be, they have us to save them."

"And Kate?" Emma asked, "she's lost in the past. Do you think she'll make it back?"

"Of course I do," Gabriel said, "I believe your siblings, like you, can triumph over insurmountable odds. And I know that your sister would do anything to return home to you and your brother. Not even time travel will be able to stop her determination."

"You're probably right," Emma agreed, thinking of how fiercely Kate cared for her siblings, how she protected them with everything inside of her. She would make it home, and nothing would stop her. Emma was just worried.

"What else is concerning you?" Gabriel asked, noticing the way Emma's posture was still tense.

Emma met his eyes, "I... I really hope Michael can do this. I really hope we can do this. I know we need to find the chronicle, but... we're going into danger, right?"

"Almost certainly."

"Well, I just... Michael's my brother. He drives me nuts, but I don't want to lose him. And you're my friend, and I almost lost you once. I don't want to lose you again," Emma mumbled.

"You will not lose your brother, Emma. You will protect him. And he will find his strength. I think he has more of it than he knows," Gabriel said gently, "as for me, you will not lose me either, Emma. I will fight by your side as long as you need me to."

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