#1 You can't kick my books and walk away

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a cover made by me at the side (I know it sucks)

You know when you want to do something but it seems like the whole world is against you doing it

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You know when you want to do something but it seems like the whole world is against you doing it. That is exactly what is happening now. I wanted to complete the book I was reading but I couldn't. Selena kept calling me, asking doubts in Chemistry. After solving all the doubts I tried to continue to read the book but my 'beloved' brother, Ethan kept banging on my door.

"What do you want Ethan?" I whined.

"Hey, sis! How are you doing?" Ethan sweetly asked.

"What do you want?" I rolled my eyes. I know Ethan very well to know that when he is sweet with me, there is always a catch.

"I just wanted to ask about my sister's well being?" He asked innocently.

"You are Ethan. You and miracles don't go together." I smirked.

"You just can't handle me being good, can you?" Ethan chuckled.


"My friends are meeting tonight and-" "And you want me to convince mom." I cut off Ethan. This was not the first time we were having this conversation.

"Oh, sister! You know me so well." He shrugged.

"I am not doing it," I stated.

"If you don't, I'll take away your ice cream," Ethan smirked. He knew he had convinced me. I never share my ice cream. Call me selfish or anything, but my ice cream is mine.

So finally, at eleven in the night, I went down to convince my mom on Ethan's behalf. Why was my mom awake at eleven? She stayed up chatting with her 'friends'. These 'friends' are the members of the gang. My mom and I are some of the most important members of the world's most dangerous girl gang which is also the second most dangerous gang in the world.

But me and my mom being in the gang is unknown to Ethan. My mom doesn't allow him to sneak out at night because she knows it's dangerous. If anything bad happens in the gang, he will be their first target.

I went down to see my mom sitting in the living room, on her phone. I was closely followed by my brother. I turned around to see him making his innocent face with puppy eyes. I tried hard to control my laughter but I couldn't. I let out a small chuckle and that's when my mom turned around and saw us. She immediately understood the look in my eyes.

"No Ethan. You are not going anywhere." My mom was used to Ethan's requests. She always declined them but he is Ethan. He never gives up. Something I admire about him.

"But mom, please! I am not going to be alone. My friends will be there. Why can't I go?" Ethan whined.

"No means no Ethan. I don't want you to ask me the same question ever again." My mom deadpanned.

After 15 minutes of convincing my mom finally sighed and said, "Okay. You can go but you have to take Nessa with you."

Wow! Mom agreed. Wait- What!?! "Mom. No. I don't want to go. His friends bore me to death. I-" I started complaining but my mom cut me off.

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