#37 I don't think Prince Charming would like that

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"Dad, I said I am not leaving her!" 

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"Dad, I said I am not leaving her!" 

This was the first thing I heard as soon as I regained my consciousness. Slowly, all the events of last few days came rushing back to my mind. My mom;s death- Stefan being the leader of the Kings- My breakup- Me invading the King house- My fight with Stefan- Someone almost killing Stefan- And then I passed out. I wonder how long I have been out this time.

"She is the Elites, Stefan. We do not mix with them." I heard another voice shout. They are definitely talking about me. And Stefan? What is he doing here?

"Stefan-" "Dad. I am not leaving her until she wakes up. And that is final." Stefan said. 

"And what if she doesn't?" His dad asked. I wanted to shout and say that I am awake and you are not allowed to talk about me like that. But I could barely open my eyes. My whole body was numb.

 "She will." Stefan sighed. 

"She tried to kill you." His father said. Well, that is true. I did try to kill him. But I couldn't. The moment I held my gun towards, I just couldn't. 

"She saved my life." Stefan argued. No. Why is he not listening to his dad? He is right. I tried to kill him. He should stay away from me.

"But she was the one who tried to kill you in the first place." His dad growled. Before anyone could say anything, another familiar voice shouted from nowhere. 

"Hey! That's my sister you are talking about." Ethan shouted. He should not get involved in this. Why is he talking? I have already caused enough trouble for him.

"Whatever. If anything happens, it's on you son." Stefan's dad said and then I heard his receding footsteps. At the same time, another set of footsteps came near me and I felt someone else's presence around me. 

"I think she is taking revenge from me." Ethan sighed, as he slowly stroked my hair. I have missed him so much. But Revenge? For what? 

"Revenge for what?" Stefan asked, as if he read my mind. 

"When I was in the hospital, she was- well, not at her best. Now, she is making me go through all of it." He said as I felt him kiss my forehead. No. I am not taking revenge. Why would I even do that?

"Well, I am going to grab a coffee. Want one?" Ethan asked. 

I didn't hear any reply from Stefan but I heard Ethan's receding footsteps. Even I want one coffee. I heard Stefan sigh and then I felt his kiss on the back of my hand. Wait? Why is he holding my hand? He is not supposed be here. Finally, I gained the strength to lift my eyelids, only to see Stefan resting his head on the bed, his smooth brown hair glowing under the light.

I think he felt me move because he raised his head, his eyes meeting mine. But I immediately lowered my face and snatched my hand away from him. His bruised face only reminded of how much I had hurt him. "Princess?" He slowly asked. 

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