#19 I have dealt with worse

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Hey guys!
I know it's been a hell lot of time since I have updated. My school just gave me a lot of 'quarantine-work' to do.😓 But here I am now! Enjoy!...*not edited*

I was sitting in the hospital cafeteria, having a sandwich

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I was sitting in the hospital cafeteria, having a sandwich. The school is shut down for a few days. I mean, that was obvious, wasn't it? Ash and Stefan are leaving today, for their soccer camp. I am moving into Ash's apartment. I already have the keys, so I had already moved all my stuff into the apartment. Only unpacking was left.

I don't believe it! Two weeks! Only two weeks! It took only two f*cking weeks for my whole world to fall apart. Two weeks before, if you would have told me that I would be sitting in a hospital cafeteria, alone, waiting for Ethan to wake up and told me that my mom, one of the people who I loved the most, is not my real mom and she just took me in to continue her legacy in the Gang? I would laugh at your face. And the fact that the Knights are searching for me, to kill me, doesn't make it any better. My thoughts were interrupted when I saw an unfortunately familiar face enter the cafeteria.

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be on the bus?" I asked Stefan. "Well, I canceled the trip." He said as he sat down in front of me. "And why did you do that?" I asked, clearly startled. "I had my reasons." He answered. "What the f*ck we're your reasons which made you give up your one in a lifetime opportunity?" I glared at him. I was already pissed off at my life. And now he not going on the trip made me angrier.

"Well, one of them was you." He shrugged. "What!?!" I raised my eyebrows at him. What does he mean? "You are not in a good state, right now. I mean, your brother is in the hospital and you just experienced a terrorist attack. Plus all the family drama. So I didn't think that I should leave you here, alone. And you also made Ash promise that he will go." He quietly said. "Will everyone stop acting as if I am made up of glass? I am fine by myself. And why would you cancel the trip for a hated b*tch like me? I can take care of myself." I glared at him. "Yeah? So how do you explain the tears on your cheeks when you are eating a non-spicy, perfectly tasty sandwich?" He raised his eyebrows.

I touched my cheeks to find them wet. I am crying? Well, I don't care that I am crying. I quickly wiped off my tears. "That's none of your business." I glared at him. "Now, tell me the real reason why you canceled the trip?" "I already told you that-" He started but I cut him off, "I don't need your f*cking pity!" I shouted, making all the faces around, turn towards me. "What?" I glared at them. A doctor, who was having his coffee, came beside me, "Mam, please lower your voice." He said. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. "Sorry," I said to everyone and walked out of the cafeteria.

I entered Ethan's room, with Stefan unfortunately behind me. "Princess, calm down." He said. "You know what? I don't care that you canceled your trip. I am pretty sure I am not the reason. And if I was, I want you to go home, pack your bags and take the next flight to Georgia. And now, I want you to leave me alone." I said, trying to not shout. "Princess-" "Leave me alone," I stated. He silently left.

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