#11 It's good to see you

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It's Thursday today and here I am, sitting in English

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It's Thursday today and here I am, sitting in English. I am unfortunately sitting between Selena and Stefan. Ryan was sitting beside Selena. I was trying to concentrate on English. But you don't have a chance when you have idiots like these sitting beside you. Selena and Ryan were talking non stop. And Stefan was commenting on every single word the professor was saying. 

"His lips look like he is going to kiss someone when he says that." 

"He smiles like a penguin." 

"It feels like he is giving a death sentence to someone." And he went on and on.

The period was finally over. And his stupid talking too. Now I had Gym class with Abby, Claire, Melvin and Stefan. I took my sport bag from my locker and headed towards the girls room to change.

 I entered and saw Sarah and her chipmunks already changed in their regular short (very short) cheer leading outfits. I walked past them and went into another room to change. I changed into my black crop top and my high waist yoga pant.

 I changed into my black crop top and my high waist yoga pant

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Yep. Unlike some other girls, I like wearing black.

I went out to see Joe standing there. Oh no. This means bad news. Joe was the Basketball coach. And since he is here, that means we are playing Basketball today. Oh Great! Fact- I suck at Basketball. I am as bad in Basketball as I am good in Soccer. 

"Okay class. I want 3 rounds of the gym and then everyone has to pick up a ball and start dribbling." Joe announced. We all started running. I saw Abby and Claire and I ran up to them. 

"Hey guys!" 

"Hey Vanessa! Ready to play Basketball?" Abby smirked. She knew I sucked at Basketball. I just glare at her. 

"Seriously!?!" I glared at her.

"But at least you can play Soccer. I can't play either of them." Claire whined. We all just chuckle and keep jogging. 

"Hey Princess! Ready to play Basketball?" Stefan comes out of nowhere. When did he come? 

"Aren't you supposed be on the ground for Soccer practice?" I asked him, totally ignoring his stupid question. 

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