#34 Stefan happened

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"Nessa, it's Hayley here!" the person responded

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"Nessa, it's Hayley here!" the person responded. "Hey Hayley! What are you doing with my mom's ph-" My question was cut off by her urgent voice. "Nessa, you need to get here right now. It's your mom. She's in the ICU."

Name: Amanda Emily Macbeth
Time of Death: 5.30 am 

I couldn't believe it. She was gone. My mother was dead and I couldn't do anything. My mom was dead. I didn't even get to say goodbye. I was one hour late. I had got a call from Hayley when my flight landed. My mom was dead even before I reached Australia. 

"Nessa, are you okay?" Selena asked me for the seventy fifth time since I had got the news. "Yes." I answered for the seventy fifth time. "You can talk to me." Selena suggested for the seventy fifth time. "I don't want to talk." I said for the seventy fifth time. She was worried about me. I hadn't shed a tear since I understood about her death. She wanted me to to talk to her and breakdown. But all I was feeling was numb.

My house in Australia had caught fire. My mom was stuck in the house. The Fire Fighters found her in the kitchen, lying on the floor with fourth degree burns and she was taken directly to the hospital and in the ICU. But what I don't understand is that why didn't she get out of the house when she saw smoke? What was she so busy doing? And how did the fire even start?

But that was not the only thing that was troubling me. I had begged Stefan to come with me. He knew my state of mind was not going to be in the right place. Yet, he didn't agree. It's like he did not want to come with me. Was it because of the Formal? But I thought he forgave me. I guess not. But he seriously should have kept that aside. I needed him and he didn't come.

They were not even letting me see the body. There is going to be no funeral. They are going to burn the body. Ashes. That's what is left of my mom. "Nessa, you there?" Hayley asked me. "What?" I snapped. "I think you should know that the fire fighters think that the fire was not an accident." She carefully said. 

"What?" My eyes went wide. "They think that it was deliberate attempt." Hayley continued. "Are they sure?" I asked. She only nodded. I got up from my chair and started walking out of the hospital. "Nessa, wait. Where are you going?" Lena called behind me. "The Elite House." I answered. "Are you sure you want to do that? We can go there afterwards." Lena suggested.

"Yes." I said as I pushed the hospital doors open and stepped out. "Nessa. Stop okay." Lena shouted as she stepped in front of me, blocking my way. "Lena-" I started but she cut me off. "You are not okay. You don't want to this." Lena said. "Yes. I do." I firmly stated. "You are just converting your sadness into anger, Nessa. Don't do that. It will do you no good." She warned. "I don't care." I growled.

"You don't always have to be strong Nessa. It's okay to cry. I am here for you." Lena said. "I don't know if I will ever stop!" I screamed, causing many heads turn towards us. "I don't know if I will ever stop if I start crying. And I don't want to cry. I want revenge. I am going to find the person who did this and crush them into thousands of pieces. They need to pay for this." I glared.

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