#5 Thats what Girls are

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an amazing graphic by @alwayslovetosmile at the side

an amazing graphic by @alwayslovetosmile at the side

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I reached the Black Warehouse. I parked my bike, some distance away from the warehouse so that 'they' would not find it. I removed my helmet, adjusted my mask and took out my guns and put it in my back pocket. I slide my butterfly knife into my boots and another small knife in my sleeve. All set.

I made my way towards the warehouse and saw that it's closed. As expected. I looked around for different entrances and to my surprise(note the sarcasm), I found a small door which is hidden behind the bushes. I tried to open it but it was locked. With my lock picking skills, I unlocked the lock with a hairpin and opened the door slowly, trying not to make any slightest sound. I slide down the door and look around for any security alarms.

But all I could see were barrels. There were barrels everywhere- filled with I don't know what. I could hear faint noises of people chatting. I slowly headed in the direction of the noises, still checking for any type of security alarms. These guys were idiots if they didn't put up any security alarms. Or this might only be a Warehouse.

I hid behind some barrels. Out of curiosity, I slowly opened up the lid of one of the barrels and found it filled with plain water. That wasn't suspicious at all. I think I did a mistake by coming here. The person I was looking for may not even be here.

But my doubt was immediately proved wrong when I saw some powder below the barrels. It smelled like gun powder. I observed that there was a hole at the base of the barrel. I looked around and saw that every barrel had one. I opened it and some kind of powder started flowing out of it. Gun powder.

As it flowed out, the smell of gun powder filled the air and the voices which I had heard silenced. Even they might have smelled the powder. I heard some muffled footsteps nearing towards me. I quickly hid behind another barrel, blocking myself from their view. But I could see everything. Two well-built men, with guns in their hand, neared the barrels. One of them crouched and checked the open hole.

"One of the barrels was not closed properly. We have some cleaning to do," he shouted, making sure everyone heard him. I could hear more footsteps nearing towards me and saw three more people coming, one had a broom with him while the other two had guns.

I was right. This was the centre of the Blacks. Now, let's start the work. I took out my guns, stood up and shot two of them in their stomach. They held their stomach and looked at me, the shock clear on their faces. The other three took a moment to recollect what had just happened. The one with the broom was the first one to recover.

He quickly started running towards me, with a broom in his hand. By the time he could come near me, I shot the other two in their legs and knocked them down. As soon as the person came near me, he threw a punch in my face, which I was quick to dodge. As a reflex, I punched him in his stomach. He stumbled back and took a few steps away from me. Whatever he did after that just amazed me and I couldn't control my laughter.

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