#35 I know who you are

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Stefan's POV

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Stefan's POV

Why did this have to happen!! Everything was going so well. Then suddenly she gets a call from her home saying her mother is sick. I had just taken her back from Anthony. We had just started enjoying the night. But that one call destroyed everything. But I don't blame Princess for it, though.

It's her mom. She totally did the right thing. But then everything went downhill when she begged me to come with her to Australia. Seeing her like that, broke my heart. But I couldn't go with her to Australia. That would break the agreement we had with the Elites.

Yes, I am the Gang Leader of the world's most dangerous gang- The Kings. Princess doesn't know that. I am pretty sure she will break up with me if she did. She won't let her family and friends be in danger because of me. 

Being the Gang Leader has its pros and cons. The perks are that I can use this position to make anything work as I want. The downside is that it is a huge responsibility. This responsibility has been stayed in my Family for years. My dad was the Gang Leader before me. And when I say that, it means a lot of pressure.

The Kings were ranked number one when he was the Leader. The only competition they had were The Elites. He made the agreement with them so that there won't be any harm to anyone. To be honest, I am amazed by The Elites. The gang is totally made up of girls and they still rank in the top. People really underestimate women. But I don't. Princess' punches made sure of that.

Princess is the best thing that has ever happened to me till now. The second best would be the birth of Selena and Sean. But now, after what happened at the Formal, I don't think she'll forgive me. 

"What happened?" I asked as she made her way back to me after she ended the call. "My mom is in the ICU." She said, looking  down at the floor. "Hey. Don't worry. She'll be okay. She is your mom." I tried to cheer her up. "I am taking the next flight and going to see her in Australia." She announced, still not looking at me. She was leaving. I mean, she should, obviously but she was leaving. "Can you come with me?" She slowly asked. 

Oh no. I can't go to Australia. That will be against the agreement with the Elites. Oh god! Why did her mother have to live in Australia? "Please?" She begged, finally looking at me, tears forming in her eyes. She was trying not to break down. Without saying anything, I hugged her. "Your mom is going to be okay, alright?" I sighed. She nodded and rested her head on my chest. "Can you come with me? Please?" She begged. How was I going to tell her?

"Princess...I can't." I sighed. "Why? I need you Stefan. Please." A tear rolled down her cheek. "I am busy. I have something already planned and I can't miss it." I couldn't believe I was saying that. I saw her heart broke in front of me.

"You are preoccupied? Please. Can't you clear the schedule?" She sighed. "No." I looked down, ashamed of myself for what I was saying. "You can't. Yeah...I understand." She stepped behind, away from me. "Princess-" "There are many more important things in the world that me. I understand you are busy." I glared at me through her teary eyes. "Princess please-" I was about to try and convince her but she cut me off. "You are a very busy person Stefan Thompson. I won't cause you any further trouble. I am sorry I asked." And with that, she ran out of the gym.

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