#29 A 'Princess says no' speech

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I tried switching on the lights

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I tried switching on the lights. Tried. The lights were not turning on. "Stefan?" I called but I got no response. "Stefan? Where are you?" I called again but still no response. Cue all the worst thoughts in my head. Worse, I heard the door of the dog rescue close and I saw someone lock it. Oh, sh*t!

Oh My God! What the heck is happening?! And my mind drifted to some facts- the Blacks haven't made a move in a long time. What if this is it? Oh God! I knew I should have got a gun. What about Stefan?! Is he okay?

I suddenly heard light footsteps and I felt a tingling sensation near my feet. I slowly looked down to see a Labrador pup rubbing his nose on my leg. I bent down and picked him up. After checking for anything suspicious, I smiled. "How are you out so late, little guy?" I cooed. A note attached to his collar caught my eye. I removed the note and kept him down. I opened the note to see something that made my eyes pop out.

50 reasons why I like you...

Okay...Woah...What is happening? Before I could register what was written in my the note, I was suddenly surrounded by ten puppies, having notes attached to their collars. I picked them, one by one, and read the notes,  every note increasing my heartbeat and bringing a smile on my face.

1. because you make me smile.

2. because you love yourself.

3. because you made me a better person without even knowing.

4. because you are the highlight of my life.

5. because of how beautiful your smile is.

6. because you bear with my stupidity. 

7. because you make me feel like I'm the only person in the world.

8. because when we're together, all my problems disappear.

9. because you make my heart smile.

10. because you are truthful with me.

11. because you make me feel like I can get through anything, as long as I have you.

12. because you are sweeter than my favourite dessert.

13. because you make me feel special.

14. because you have the guts to punch me without fear.

15. because you make me feel completely cherished and adored.

16. because you care about the people around you.

17. because you are smoking hot!

18. because you always seem notice if something is wrong with me.

19. because you're cute when you're grumpy.

20. because I love that your hand fits perfectly with mine.

21. because you're not afraid to be silly.

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