#20 Something else is happening here

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"Where do you think you are going? You are literally leaving a blood trail behind you!" Someone shouted from behind

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"Where do you think you are going? You are literally leaving a blood trail behind you!" Someone shouted from behind.

I turned around to see Stefan. I just ignored him and continued walking. "Will you stop?" Stefan whined. "Nope," I said but it came out as a sob. I didn't even realize that there were tears brimming my eyes. "Please stop." He requested. Hearing the word 'please', I stopped. "What do you want?" I asked him, trying to keep my voice as hard as possible.

"You ask me what I want when you are the one who ran off." He said. I ignored him and continued walking, trying to hide my tears from him. "Oh God! Why do you have to be so stubborn?" He grumbled as he ran ahead of me and blocked me from walking ahead. "Leave me alone," I said but it barely came out as a whisper. Without saying anything, he surprised me by hugging me.

I was taken back for a moment but then I couldn't control it anymore and started crying on his shoulder. He just patted my back, silently, and let me cry. "My head is going to explode. All of the things happening. It's just too much. And I miss Ethan. He is always there for me. But that's the reason he is in the hospital and I was at a party. He tried to protect me. I could have handled it. Why him? I should have been the one getting shot. Why did he have to protect me?" I sobbed.

"That's what big brothers do. Protect their little sister." He tried to calm me. "But he is not even my real brother. My parents divorcing is on me. When he wakes up- if he wakes up- then I will have to be the one to tell him that our parents are divorced and I was the reason. He would be so angry. He will hate me for it. I don't want that to happen, Stefan. I am sure to go to hell for breaking my family apart." I cried. "Don't overthink the future, Princess. Face it as it comes at you. And I am sure it is impossible for him to hate you." He smirked as a smile crept it's way up to my face at that thought.

"I even broke the necklace he gave me. It fell in the fire and I couldn't do anything. I miss him. And these attacks. They are not even stopping. Two days. Two attacks. That's not good. What if someone was hurt today. What if Selena was-" "Shh. Just calm down. Everyone is safe today. Thanks to you! If you hadn't noticed it, I don't even want to think about what could have happened. I am sure you saving so many people will help you get to heaven." He shrugged. "Thanks." I smiled. "For what?" He raised his eyebrow. "For listening. I know you have your problems of your own. And here I am unloading my problems onto you." I shrugged. "Well, you are the first person who told me that I am a good listener. That'll I do." He smirked, while I chuckled and playfully hit his shoulder.

"Well, you should get back," I told him, even though I didn't want him to leave. "No thanks. I don't think they need me there. Sean is happy that he got to experience a real 'Iron Man' scene and Selena is doing pretty good. She came running to me, telling that you are a Spider-Woman and a Princess mixed combo. So I am fine here." He smirked. "Sorry. For wetting your hoodie." I shrugged. "Seriously! Does it look like I care?" He raised an eyebrow. I chuckled.

"You know what, I am going to take you somewhere." He suggested. "I am not in the mood Stefan." I sighed. "I am sure you'll love it." He said. "I don't know." I shrugged. "Well, you don't have a choice." He said as he slipped his hands behind my leg and picked me up bridal style. He started walking towards the clubhouse. "Hey!  Put me down." I whined. "You are bare feet and bleeding. No chance." He smirked. I gave up as I knew it was of no use debating with him.

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