#18 You are pretty good...

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I decided to go to my locker

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I decided to go to my locker. But just as I was in the hallway, I heard some footsteps. Why would anyone be here now? Its lunchtime. I decided to spy on them and hide behind one of the walls. The next sight which I saw made my heart almost stop beating.

There were almost a dozen men, armed with all kinds of guns and riffles and all sorts of explosives. Either they were terrorists or something else. But the whole school was filled with students. Anyone could die. And I don't even know what all they are equipped with. The whole cafeteria was filled with students. One bomb and all could die. I try to silently get away from there so that I could hit the alarm button and warn everyone. But luck was not on my side.

As I was about to move, I stumbled and took the support of the locker to avoid falling and breaking my bones. I didn't fall, but the locker made a loud noise. All their guns turned this way. No escape was possible so I decided to act dumb. I raised my hand, surrendering. "Hey" I stupidly said. "Seriously! 'Hey'! That's what you say after seeing all the guns pointed at you." One of the men says. "Umm...I don't even know what to say. If I scream, one of you will shoot me and I will die. I love to breathe. So that's not an option. And you guys would all be gotten bored after hearing 'please don't kill me' from each of your victims. So I thought let's start with a simple 'Hey'." I explained.

"You a smart mouth. But we don't have time to listen to you. You don't know that school is filled with dangerous people. We are here to kill them. So let's hope that there is minimum collateral damage." He said. Oh, trust me, I know. Because I am one of them. Well, being a Gang Leader does count in being dangerous. "You are coming with us." One of them pulled me with him. "And if you try anything, this bullet will go straight into your head." He said, pointing a gun to my forehead. "Well, then it's a good thing that I love to breathe." I sarcastically commented. "Move." The man glared at me.

We were walking towards the cafeteria. I had to stall them, somehow. "Um...you mentioned about killing bad guys. So you are the good guys or the bad guys?" I asked. The man in the front, whom I assumed to be their commander, stopped. He turned towards me as all of the other men stopped. "Girl, look we are some bad guys killing other bad guys so that we stay safe." He explained. "Well, then that's selfish, don't you think?" I raised my eyebrows. He sighed. I could understand that he was trying very hard to keep calm. Way to go, Nessa. Now you are pissing him off. You are going to get killed. My stupid brain commented.

Well, it's better for me than the whole school. Plus, I am not going to die. "You are supposed to be scared and not talk." He glared at me. "Why should I be scared?" I said, but after seeing everyone raise their eyebrows, confused, I quickly reasoned. "I mean I always wanted to experience those scenes in the movies where the people are held captive." I shrugged. "You have a very bad taste in movies then." He commented.

"You know, there are cameras around the whole school. The security might have already contacted the police." I stated. "He could only do that if he could see what was going on. We have already hacked the school cameras." He said and turned around to continue their search. At that moment, my eyes fell on the tattoo on his shoulder. And my eyes widened. I could guess that tattoo anywhere.

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