#25 I have a very bad case of...

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Hey guys!
So guess what it is today!?!? *drum roll* It's My Birthday!!! (finally!) So, as a treat to all of my wonderful readers (a.k.a. you guys), I will be double updating...Enjoy!!!!

I like Stefan Thompson

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I like Stefan Thompson.

I can't believe I just said it. Oh My. God. What am I going to do? I can't believe I just confessed. Oh. God. This is really happening. After our intense staring contest, I finally looked away to hide my blush. I saw Stefan walk up to me. "I am sorry. For everything that happened. And how I reacted and everything. I am sorry." He said. Nessa. Stay strong. Do not fall for this. You have to be angry. Why am I not angry at him?! Ugh! "Yeah. Whatever." I finally spoke. "So you forgive me?" Yes. Of course. "No." I tried hard to not drool over his sexy jawline. Oh. My. God. Get yourself together Nessa.

"I said I am sorry." He tried to convince me. Yes. I forgive you. Gathering up all the courage that I had, I walked away from him, without saying a word. I went up to Lena, who was smirking at me. "You know that song was for you right?" She asked. I hummed in response. "I had no f*cking idea that he could sing that good." Selena cheered, trying to gain my attention. I, again, hummed in response.

What is happening to me? I can't let this happen again. I mean, why would Stefan like me back? I am just a useless person. I don't deserve him. And I can't have my heart broken again. Not after Anthony. Ugh! Why is life so difficult!?

"Earth to Nessa?" Claire said, waving her hand in front of me. "What?" I snapped. "What you want to do next?" She asked. "How about we empty those awesome picnic baskets? I mean, the food tastes fantastic. From where did you order it? I have tried every restaurant. None taste that good." I exclaimed. They all were smirking at me. "What?" I raised my eyebrows.

"We didn't order it. Stefan made it all." As soon as the words left Ryan's mouth, my eyes went wide open. "Yeah. He planned this whole thing." Melvin joined. What? Wow! I was speechless. I mean he did all this?!? Why? For one apology? "Let's start eating!" I said, acting like the new information did not affect me. I could see Stefan's face drop.

As everyone, started raiding the picnic baskets, I went up to Stefan. "Okay. I forgive you." I sighed. "Really?" He asked, smiling like a small kid earing his lollipop. "Yeah." I chuckled. "But, you have to make more of all this for me," I added, pointing at the food. "Anything for you, Princess." He smirked. I just rolled my eyes and continued eating my awesome Pasta.

Time passed by. We played some more games and watched two more movies. Finally, everyone fell asleep at 4 in the morning. And now, as I was lying on the bed, I heard the sound of a camera clicking. My eyes shot open to meet Stefan's sleepy ones. Wait a minute. Bed? How am I on a bed? And I realized that I was sleeping on top of Stefan. I quickly, got up, and tried to hide my face, which I was pretty damn sure, looked like a tomato. "Good Morning Princess." He smirked at my reaction. I just rolled my eyes and made my way to the washroom, to get ready for the day.

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