#10 I have high standards

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It's been a month since my last nightmare

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It's been a month since my last nightmare. Today is Wednesday and we have the bonfire today, in the evening. The main game is on Friday. The whole month was spent in making banners, posters and decorating the school.

After that incident with the twins, Stefan and his friends, Ryan and Melvin, started sitting with us during lunch. Sarah was fuming when she saw Stefan sitting with us. Stefan stopped bothering me much. But him being him, he still never leaves the opportunity to tease me.

Ryan and Selena have become very close. Selena was the happiest person on Earth when Ryan starting sitting beside her during lunch. Nowadays, our lunch was spent in teasing them and watching them go red.

Abby was not happy that Melvin was sitting with us. Abby and Melvin are twins, though they don't look alike much. Melvin always told us funny and embarrassing memories about Abby. But Abby was no less. She used to tell us how girls have dumped him or rejected him. Melvin used to get angry and they both usually ended up arguing.

Tessa missed Kevin a lot. Whenever he used to come to meet her, she would never leave him alone. Whenever Stefan used to call me 'Princess', all of my friends, old and new, used to evilly smirk at me. I also started calling him 'Stefie' which made him very angry. He looks so hot when he is angry. Wait- What!?! Did I just think that? It's Okay. You can't deny the fact that he is hot. Shut up brain.

The wounds on my stomach were healed, only leaving some scars. Dad had not visited since then and mom was planning a trip to London to meet him. She loved him a lot. Ethan started picking up and dropping Shirley home from college. They have also grown very close. I am tired of telling Ethan to ask her out. But he being him, is scared of 'spoiling their friendship'.

Today is the bonfire, so we are allowed to leave school after the fourth period. Everyone is excited for the bonfire and the game. Stefan has been busy with the soccer practice for the whole day.

Selena, Ryan and I have been busy with the decorations for the bonfire. We have Claire, Melvin and some more students helping us. So, today I am not attending school at all. We were in the woods behind our school, getting the area ready. We were cleaning, hanging banners and making the area look good.


I was walking through the corridor, towards the Art room to collect the Campbell Knights pictures when I heard a noise. A tune being played. I followed the noise and reached the Music room behind the Theater. I peeped inside to see Stefan sitting with his guitar? What the hell is he doing here? Isn't he supposed to be on the ground? I was going to barge inside when he started with the lyrics...

'You know me the best
You know my worst, see me hurt, but you don't judge
That, right there, is the scariest feeling
Opening and closing up again
I've been hurt so I don't trust
Now here we are, staring at the ceiling

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