#7 I care

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"Look who finally decided to show up

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"Look who finally decided to show up." My dad said.

Ethan went running towards him and hugged him. 

"How are you, my boy?" My dad asked him. 

"I'm great. When did you come?" Ethan asked.

"Oh. Just an hour ago. Your mom told me that you had gone for a treat with someone." He replied, referring to me. I walked towards him. 

"Hi, dad. How are you?" I greeted him.

He turned to look at me. He scanned me up and down. And then he turned back and started talking to Ethan. I could feel a warm liquid forming in my eyes. He just ignored me. I couldn't stand it. I went running upstairs, into my room and locked my door.

I started crying as soon as I sat on my bed. How can he just ignore me? My dad and I are not on good terms. He was not always like this. He used to love me a lot when I was a kid even though he used to always be away from home. I remember him taking me to parks to play, bringing lots of candies, and playing with me whenever he used to get a chance. 

But now he just ignores me. He doesn't like the fact that I am in the gang. My mom never told him about the gang. She only told him after they were married for two years. My dad was a bit heartbroken that my mom didn't mention it to him before. And my dad doesn't like the gang part of my mom. But he loved her. And that's the only thing that kept him from divorcing her. He made my mom promise that she would never tell Ethan about it.

When he understood that I joined the gang, he started ignoring me. Whenever he comes home, refers to me as a third person. I hate it when he does that. He shows no love for me and it hurts. A lot. 

Whenever I see him, all my good childhood memories flood back into my mind. And then it hurts even more. He loves Ethan a lot. He always brings a lot of gifts for him and I am left empty-handed. I hate the way it hurts. I still love him.


I don't know how much time went by. I was still in my room. All my tears had dried out. I heard a small knock on my door. 

"Nessa, you there?" I heard Ethan's concerned voice through the door. "Mom has called you for dinner." 

"I am not hungry. Leave me alone." I growled. 

He just agreed and went away. He understood that I need some time. He knows that my dad doesn't speak to me. And even though he doesn't know the reason, he always calms me down. 

I get up from my bed and go and wash my face. I change into some comfortable shorts and my blue t-shirt. I plop on my bed, take my pain killers, and drift off to sleep.


Today is Monday. And I finally get to go to school. After the situation on Saturday, I didn't get out of my room much on Sunday. I knew that if I go down, my dad will ignore me. And I can not handle watching that. 

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