#26 This is my death

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After Stefan told me that I had to spend a whole day with him, I have been freaking out

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After Stefan told me that I had to spend a whole day with him, I have been freaking out. It's very un-Vanessa of me to freak out over a boy. But it is what it is. Ugh! So, yesterday, the whole day went in guessing what Stefan might nave planned for me today. I just hope he doesn't ask me to kiss him. But you don't mind, do you? It's 4:30 am now and I am getting ready for a whole day with Stefan. Yesterday, he told me to wear something comfortable, so I got changed into some black jeans and a comfortable top.

 Yesterday, he told me to wear something comfortable, so I got changed into some black jeans and a comfortable top

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I made my way out of the apartment and to the elevator. I stepped out of the elevator to see Stefan already waiting for me. "Someone woke up early." He smirked. I just rolled my eyes and got inside the passenger seat of his car. He got in and we drove off.

"Where are we going?" I asked Stefan. "You'll see." "You have been saying the same thing for the whole ride. Just tell me." I said, clearly pissed. "We are here!" He smiled and got out of the car. I looked around, taking in my surroundings. There was a board that said 'Bungee Jumping and other activities.' I got out of the car, hoping that we were here, only to do the 'other activities.'

I walked up to Stefan, who was standing near the reception. "That will be it, sir. Enjoy your day!" That was all I heard. "Ready Princess?" He asked. "For what?" I raised my eyebrows. "Bungee Jumping." He smirked. What! "There is no way I am doing that. You know I am scared of heights! Even on airplanes, I take the aisle seat to avoid looking through the window. There is no way I am going Bungee Jumping!" I almost shouted.

"Remember the deal! You have to do whatever I say, Princess." He chuckled. "No way! That deal does not apply when it is a matter of life and death!" I shouted at him. "The deal says-" "I don't give a f*ck about the deal. Am I supposed to kill myself if you tell me to do so?" "Don't worry! I won't tell you to kill yourself." He smirked. He was very calm in his answers. That means that he already knew that this was going to be my reaction. Then why did he do it?!? I hate him! No, you don't. Ugh!

"Let's get going!" He cheerfully said and started walking. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. After calming myself, I followed him, until we reached the Bungee Jumping area. I saw the height and that was all I needed to turn around. Suddenly, two strong arms lifted me up and put me on their shoulder, carrying me towards the elevator. "Stefan! Put me down!!" I whined. "Not happening, Princess." He smirked. After a while, I gave up and turned to face in front, which was a big mistake as I came face to face with his butt. "You have a nice butt." I rolled my eyes. "I like the view from here too." He smirked. Pervert! But you like it.

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