#21 He called me a...

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And the next thing I knew that his lips were on mine

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And the next thing I knew that his lips were on mine.

I stood still, not moving. I was surprised would be a clear understatement. Kiss him back!! The small voice in my head screamed at me. He was about to pull away when I started kissing him back. Satisfied by my response, his hands made their way to my waist as he pushed me towards the wall, increasing the speed of the kiss. Our lips moved in sync as I felt a chill run through my spine. I immediately melted into the kiss as one of my hands made its way to his hair as the other one stayed on his chest. All the butterflies in my stomach we're dancing and it felt like there were fireworks everywhere. I didn't want that moment to end.

After some time, we both pulled away, breathless. I had to admit, he was an excellent kisser. I didn't move and neither did he. We stood there staring at each other until we were interrupted by his phone. He fumbled as he reached for his cell. "Yes, Sel. I am coming." He said. "Yes. I am with her." He informed Selena. "Yes, she is fine." He said. Trust me, she is more than fine. My brain said. Well, I couldn't disagree. "Okay. Bye." He said as he ended the call.

"Um..." He wanted to say something but he obviously couldn't. "That was not at all expected." I murmured. "Yeah...Um...I..." He tried to say. "You have to go," I said his sentence for him. "Yeah..." He gave me a thankful look. "Otherwise..." He tried to reason. "Otherwise you will get more calls." I reasoned for him. "Yes." He said as he opened the door. "Thanks for tonight," I said. Including the kiss. Shut up brain. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said as he walked towards the lift. He shyly waved at me before entering. I smiled.

'Well, that was awkward.' I thought as I walked inside the apartment and closed the door. And then everything that had just happened hit me.

I kissed Stefan Thompson.

I woke to the light falling on eyes. This was the best sleep I have had for almost a month. And I was glad for it. I still hadn't gotten used to the fact that I kissed Stefan Thompson, the guy I once hated. It was not my first kiss. So why did it matter to me so much? Well, Life throws all types of challenges at you. It is you who decides how to respond to them. You responded to this one 'pretty' good. Shut up you stupid brain of mine. I looked at the clock which said 7 am. I got up and went to the washroom to freshen up.

After freshening up, I changed into a black tee and a denim jacket with black jeans.

After freshening up, I changed into a black tee and a denim jacket with black jeans

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