#28 You two make a good couple

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It's been 2 hours since the plane took off and I was already yawning

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It's been 2 hours since the plane took off and I was already yawning. Don't sleep! Yeah. I know. "You look tired. You should sleep." Stefan, who was sitting beside me, busy watching the view outside, suddenly said. I had to beg him to take the window seat. I know I went sky diving but I was still getting used to heights. "You don't want me to." I rolled my eyes as I suppressed another yawn. "And why is that?" He turned towards me.

"If I sleep on a plane, I am sure to puke when I wake up. That's why I hate airplanes." I sarcastically smiled at him. "Is that so?" He smirked. I just ignored him as I continued my search to watch my next movie. The Thompson's had already reached Toronto. Stefan was the only one left behind as I desperately wanted to spend my Thanksgiving with my mom and Ethan before they leave. So he stayed back for me. I finally found a good comedy movie and started watching it.

"So, why does your aunt have a yearly party here? Does she live here?" I curiously asked. "Nope. But they own a lot of hotels here. And we normally used to have the party at our clubhouse but you know what happened. The fire and all." He shrugged. After a tiring flight, we had finally reached the hotel we were going to stay for the next three days. And I was ready to sleep!

Due to the time difference, it was 5 am in the morning here, while it was still 2 am in California. "You should get some sleep. You look tired." Stefan said as he unlocked the door with the room card. "Yeah. I will. So in which room are you staying?" I asked. "This is my room." He informed. "So, which is my room?" I raised my eyebrows. He just shrugged. "Please tell me we are not staying in the same room," I whined. "We are," Stefan smirked. "Why!" I groaned. Okay. This may not be a totally bad thing. Shut up!

"I forgot to book two rooms okay?" He said. "Why did you forget? Just go down there and book another room." I growled. "Why Princess? Scared to share the room with me?" He smirked as he stood up and walked towards me. I just rolled my eyes. Unfortunately, he did not take the clue and kept moving towards me. "Stefan!" I whined as I stepped back but I was blocked by the wall. "Are you afraid to share a room with me, Princess?" He asked. He was standing not one inch away from me, staring right into my eyes. His eyes moved towards my lips and I felt the air around us tense.

Ignore him.

Kiss him!

Ignore him.

Kiss him!

Ignore him.

Kiss him!


Gathering up all the strength I had, I punched him in his stomach as soon as he was about to kiss me. He stumbled back and I released the breath I was holding. Thank god! I plastered a smirk on the face even though my insides were still churning from our staring contest. "I am not scared of anything, Stefie. I just don't want you to sleep outside in the corridor when I kick you out of the room. But, I guess you don't have a choice."

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