#22 No more secrets

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The professor was teaching when I felt my phone vibrate

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The professor was teaching when I felt my phone vibrate. Who could it be? Everyone knows that I am at school. I secretly looked at the caller ID. My mom? Why is she calling? "Miss Macbeth. Phones are not allo-" Ignoring the professor, I accepted the call. "Yes? I am in class. Why did you-" I was interrupted by my mother's sob. "Nessa, it's Ethan. He-" That was all it took for me to leave everything behind and run out of the classroom to my car, tears brimming my eyes. No. This can't happen. Not today.

I reached my car when I remembered that I left my bag, which had my car keys, in the classroom. Great! I was going to head back, as fast as I could, when I saw Stefan standing in front of me with my bag. I snatched the bag from his hand, took out my car keys, and sat inside the car. Stefan opened the passenger door and sat inside. Without asking any questions like why was he sitting inside my car, I drove off to the hospital, without caring about the speed limit.

I reached the hospital gate when I turned to Stefan. "Park the car," I ordered him. Before he could ask any questions, I stepped outside the car and ran inside the hospital towards Ethan's room, tears flowing down my cheeks. I was not ready to lose him. Not yet.

I reached Ethan's room, only to see the eyes that I have been waiting to see for over a month. A smile made its way up to my face. He was there. Awake. Beside him, was my mom. I could understand that she has been crying. My so-called dad was standing near the window, a huge smile plastered on his face. At least he was happy about something. They still hadn't noticed me.

I could feel my insides jumping with happiness. I went and sat on the chair outside the room to calm myself. That's when Stefan came towards me, panting. "Are you okay?" He asked. Without thinking about anything, I pulled him into a bone-crushing hug. I looked up to see his confused face. I just grinned. Then I slowly stepped back and entered Ethan's room.

"You are the biggest idiot I have ever seen." I almost shouted. Everyone's head turned toward me. "Don't you dare pull a stunt like that ever again," I warned as I walked towards him. He just sat there, confused. "Am I allowed to punch him?" I asked my mom. She just raised her eyebrows and shook her head. I angrily went towards him and rather than punching, I pulled him into a bear hug. "Let's never do that again, okay?" I whispered. He just nodded and smiled. "I agree." He said and hugged me back.

I felt like the happiest person on this planet as I was back in Ethan's embrace. No problems. No sadness. I never wanted that moment to end but we were interrupted by my mom clearing her throat. I stepped away from the bed, the grinning like a cheshire cat.

A doctor entered the room. "Now that you are awake, we would run some diagnosis. You should be free to go in about a week." He told us. My parents thanked the doctor and they all left the room, leaving me and Ethan alone in this room.

"I am never going to let you sleep, you know that?" I asked him. He just chuckled. "Happy Birthday sis!" "Thanks, bro!" I chuckled. "Sorry, I didn't get you a birthday gift." He sighed. "No need. You waking up is the best birthday gift I could ever ask for." I smiled. "Does Shirley know?" I asked him. He shook his head. "I don't think she wants to. I mean, she would have moved on." "Are you kidding me? That girl stayed in the hospital almost 24/7 and you are telling me that she moved on?" I asked him. His eyes widened. "24/7?" He asked. "Yeah... Who do you think stayed at the hospital at night when I couldn't?" I raised my eyebrows. "You slept in here?" He asked, guilt clear on his face.

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