#39 I hate you

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Dedicated to AudrinaWilson  Thank you for being there throughout the book and always being one of the first people to vote... Happy Birthday!!! 

"That, dear, you should ask your-" Before he could complete his sentence, we heard a gun shot

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"That, dear, you should ask your-" Before he could complete his sentence, we heard a gun shot. We looked down to see Kevin shot in his head. He was dead. We all turned only to see the person I never in my lifetime expected to see holding a gun and shooting someone.

"Brother." Ethan smirked.

"Why are you doing this?" I shouted at Ethan. After Ethan revealed himself to be the leader of the Knights, I was so shocked, that I didn't even see Ethan punching me as he knocked me down. I woke up, tied to a pillar, with no one else in the room. 

"Because I want to. I thought you would figure that out." He smirked. This smug, arrogant new side of Ethan was very unusual for me. 

"You killed mom." I screamed. 

"She was never my mother to begin with." He shrugged. What is he talking about? Why would he say that? What the heck is going on? My thoughts were interrupted when the only door in the room opened, revealing Anthony.

"You!" I glared at him.

"Hello Sweetheart! It's good to see you too." Anthony smirked. Is he also a part of the Knights? Was this planned all along? And I fell for it? I can't believe I actually ever liked that person. How could I be so blind? 

"Poor Nessa-" "Vanessa." I cut Ethan off.


"Vanessa. That's what you call me." I glared at him.

"You still don't give up, do you? Don't you see? I am not the villain here." Ethan stated.

"I don't believe that." 

"You know what. It's story time." Ethan smirked.

"Once upon a time, in a far away country called Australia, a girl named Vanessa-" He started but I interrupted him. 

"Cut the crap. If you are going to keep me here, at least leave me alone." I rolled my eyes.

"Come on! Don't be a party pooper." Anthony smirked.

"So, where was I? Yeah. A girl named Vanessa met a boy named Anthony," Anthony bowed down to Ethan, taking part in his act. Ugh! Why did I ever date that person? "And they fell in love." Ethan shrugged.

"I never loved that d*ckhead." I glared at Anthony.

"Oh! The good girl swore." Anthony smirked. Ethan just chuckled.

"So, they dated for some time. But little did Vanessa know that Anthony was just using her to get her brother." Ethan smirked. Nothing is making sense over here.

"I knew the moment I saw him. He looked familiar. And then I saw you with him. And I knew exactly how I was going to talk to him. A simple DNA test was all it took to confirm my doubts." Anthony explained.

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