#2 Prove it

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cover by @latoniamiller at the side... I love it!! Thank you :)

I headed towards my English class

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I headed towards my English class. I shared this class with Selena. I took my usual seat in the class as Selena came and sat beside me.

"Way to go Nessa!!" She cheered as she gave me a high-five.

"I know right. He kicked my books and walked away just like that without apologizing. He disrespected my books which meant he disrespected me. I cannot allow that." I shrugged.

"Remind me never to mess with you." She chuckled as the professor entered and started teaching. After some time, the class door opened and Stefan and Ryan walked in. Typical.

"May I ask you where you were?" the professor asked.

"No." Stefan snapped.

"Sit down." the professor glared at them. It was clear that he was pissed. I mean, who wouldn't be when someone comes to your class late and then talks back at you. I looked around the whole class. There were only two seats empty. And these seats were unfortunately beside me and Lena. Stefan sat beside me while Ryan sat beside Lena. I could see Selena's cheeks go red.

"Hey princess." Stefan snapped me from my thoughts. I just ignored him.

"Come on. I know you want me. Just say it and I will be all yours, Princess." He smugly said. I continued to ignore him. Why does he have to be so cocky? I hate it when someone does that.

"Princess? Hello?" He waved his hand in front of my eyes to get my attention.

"Princess-" "Stop it. My name is Vanessa. Don't call me that. What do you want?" I snapped at him. He looked a bit taken aback at my outburst.

"Princess, don't talk to me like that. It hurts." He kept his hand on his heart, acting to be hurt.

"I don't care what hurts you. You are no one to me and I hate you."I glared at him.

"Princess-" "Stop calling me that. My name is Vanessa." I whisper-shout at him. But according to the looks of the students around me, I think I was loud.

"Miss Macbeth? Any doubts?" The professor asked.

"No, sir. Sorry." I shrugged. The professor gave a last glance towards me and Stefan and went back to his teaching.

"Princess?" Stefan poked the side of my stomach. I took a deep breath and calmed myself before I kill him and end up in prison. To be honest, I don't like killing people, which is very ironic when I happen to be in a gang. But I have never actually killed anyone. Brutally injured which led the person to be hospitalized for three years- yes. But killed- no.

"Princess." Stefan poked me again. Deep breaths, Nessa. Deep breaths.

"Princess." Another poke. That's it.

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