#38 Don't you dare call her that

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Hey guys!!

So I need a favor...

I have also said it in my previous chapter and I am saying it again...

Please. Please. Please. Go and Vote for this Book in the Primrose Reader's Choice Awards...

It would mean a lot to me...And also tag as many people as you can and tell them to Vote for me...(You can find the direct link to the voting chapter in the external link of this chapter or you could always find it on my account)

Thanks!! Enjoy the chapter...

"I love you, Vanessa Cassandra Macbeth

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"I love you, Vanessa Cassandra Macbeth."

Oh My God!


He just said that. He just said the L-word to me. Please tell me I heard it right. But why? I tried to kill him and he says that. In that case I should have tried to kill him earlier. I opened my mouth to speak but all that came out was air.

"You don't have to say it back. And don't ask me why? I just do." He shyly smiled.

Do I love him? I don't know yet. I really really like him. But love? I don't know...

"Stefan, I tried to kill you." 

"I don't care okay. And even if you did try to kill me, you ended up saving my life. If you weren't there that time, Kevin would have fooled me and then kill me." I flinched at that thought. 

"Stefan-" "I know you might think it's too early but I have loved you since the day you punched at the beach. I was just stupid to ignore it. And if anyone that has to apologize it's me. I hurt you. I almost killed you. I couldn't see you like that. When Selena removed that mask from your face, my whole world stopped. Literally. You have to promise me you are never leaving me."

"I am never leaving you." And with that I pressed my lips against him. He immediately responded, smirking against my lips. Who knew the cold-hearted Stefan would be so romantic? 

"I missed you." I said as we parted.

"I missed you too." He smiled as he kissed me forehead.

"So, the Kings huh?" I smirked.

"The Elites huh?" He teased me back.

"But you know it is not going to be easy right? We are from two rival gangs." I reminded him.

"Then it's good that we are the leaders. We can bend some rules." He chuckled. I just shook my head and chuckled to myself.

"You have a killer aim, you know?" Stefan praised me. 

"Hmm. I didn't know." I smirked.

"And it's f*cking hot." As soon as he said this, my face heated up. I quickly slid inside the covers to hide my red face. I heard Stefan chuckle.

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