#16 Stay a little longer

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I am standing in a warehouse

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I am standing in a warehouse. Emma is sitting there, tied up to a chair. A man comes and beats her with a belt. There is blood everywhere. He starts to undress her. "Emma! Leave her alone!" I shout. But nobody seems to hear me. I try to move but I can't. It is like I am paralysed or something. "Emma!" I shout. The man hits her again with a belt. She screams. "Nessa, help me!" She cries. "Emma! No!" I can't help her. I can't move. The man removes a knife and starts cutting her neck. She screams in pain. "Help!" I shout. "Somebody please help!" The man laughs. Just then Ethan stands in front of me. And suddenly we reach a unknown street.

"Ethan! Where are we!?! I have to help Emma!" I shout, but he doesn't seem to listen. "Ethan!" I call out for him. Suddenly, I hear three bullets being shot. And Ethan starts bleeding. "This is all your fault." He says. "Ethan! Someone help!" I shout for help. By now, Ethan's whole shirt is drenched in blood. And he slowly starts losing his balance. "This is all your fault." He says. I don't understand anything. Why is he saying that? I try to reach for my phone, but my hands are some how already occupied. I look down to see me holding a gun. I am the one who shot Ethan!?! No. It can't be. Ethan is laying down. Dead. And it's all my fault. "I am so sorry Ethan! Please forgive me!" I scream. I hear some footsteps coming towards me.

I see my father walking towards us. "Dad! Help!" I shout. But he comes towards me and slaps me. "This is all your fault." He says. "Help him, dad!" I shout. But he doesn't listen. Out of nowhere, my mom appears beside my father. "Mom! Help him! Help Ethan!" I scream. "You are no one to me. You are just a stupid girl. This is all your fault. You are a useless tool, who can't even protect her own brother." My mom glares at me.

Suddenly, the whole world turns red. Ethan and Emma are standing in front of me. There is a knife in Emma's heart. Ethan is vigorously bleeding. "This is all your fault." They both say. My parents appear beside them. "You are no one to us. You are useless." They both say. "Noo!" I scream. And then Stefan appears beside them. "Princess, wake up!" He says. Why is he saying that!?! "This is all my fault. She is dead because of me. He is dead because of me. I am useless. This is all my fault." I cry. "It's okay. You just have to wake up." He suggests. How can it be okay!?! "This is all my fault." I sob. "Princess, please wake up." Stefan pleads. Suddenly a man appears behind Stefan. He has a gun in his hand. He is aiming it at Stefan. "Princess wake up." Stefan says. Before I could do anything, the man shoots. "Noo!"

I wake up to someone shaking me. I am in a hospital room. I was covered in sweat. My face was stained with tears. Ethan laid on the hospital bed in front of me. No. He can't be gone! I look around. Stefan was standing beside me. Alive. Without thinking, I hug him. He stays still, startled by my action. After a second, he hugs me back and pats my back. After a moment, I realize what I was doing and I quickly take a step back and regain my composure. "I woke you up, didn't I?" I ask Stefan. "I wasn't sleeping actually. So you didn't really wake me up. You just scared the hell out of me." He shrugs and goes and sits on the couch near the window.

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