#40 I'm proud of you

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"What the heck are you doing?" I finally asked, confused by his actions

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"What the heck are you doing?" I finally asked, confused by his actions.

"Saving your a*s."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Just cut the rope with that knife and move. We have to get out of here." He pointed towards the knife he kept beside my hand. What is he exactly doing?

"What do you mean by 'we'?"

"Do you want to get to the Stefan or not? Yeah right? So move!" He shouted.

"Stop shouting!" I shout back.

"Just cut the rope!"

"Way ahead of you." I rolled my eyes as I freed my hands from the already cut rope. He just gawked at my hands.

"Okay. Either we are stupid for not checking you for knives or you are really good at hiding knives." He chuckled.

"I am going with both." And with that, I punched him.

"What the f*ck is wrong with you? Can't you see I am helping you." Anthony glared at me.

"Why are you helping me?" I glared back at him, as I rubbed my wrists which were red due to the rope marks.

"Because I want to." He shrugged.

"Not buying it." I rolled my eyes.

"Look." He turned towards me. "I regret telling Ethan about everything. I never knew he had gone so far just to take revenge when what I told him, wasn't even the whole story. So, believe it or not, I really want to help. And if you want to get to Stefan, we have to get out of here, before Ethan gets to know about this stupid stunt that I have pulled." He deadpanned. The look in his eyes was enough for me to believe him.

I still don't trust him. But if he is helping me get to Stefan, I will take it. We both slowly stepped out of the room, checking everywhere and anywhere for any movement. Surprisingly, there was no one standing in the whole corridor. That was before we reached a small lobby, where I saw a figure, walking towards us. My hand immediately went to the knife in my sleeve. But Anthony held my hand, stopping me from reaching it.

"They are keeping the Mangoes in the other basement. They have about fifteen people there. It's not going to be easy." The person said as he reached us. I couldn't see who he was because he was wearing a mask.

"Come on. We need to get them out of there." Anthony said as he started walking towards where the man had come.

"Wait a minute. Why do we need Mangoes?" I asked Anthony.

"Mangoes is Stefan."

"Why is the hell would you call him 'Mangoes'?" I rolled my eyes.

"Because, when this person asked me for a code name, I was drinking Mango Juice." Anthony chuckled.

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